Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Recent content by joelweb

  1. joelweb

    Pedersoli Hawken Peep Sight Mounting & Compatibility

    Thanks. I'll take a look at that option.
  2. joelweb

    Pedersoli Hawken Peep Sight Mounting & Compatibility

    If you want to put an aperture (peep) sight on a Pedersoli Missouri River Hawken muzzleloader, below are some considerations. I had a gunsmith put a Lyman 57 GPR on my Pedersoli Hawken in 2024. To install the sight, he needed to drill and tap one new hole in the tang and he used one existing...
  3. joelweb

    Refinished Kimber Mountain Ascent

  4. joelweb

    Refinished Kimber Mountain Ascent

    I’ve been wanting to refinish my Kimber Mountain Ascent for a few years, and I finally got it done. It shoots and handles great and is my go-to rifle chambered in 280AI, but I’ve never loved the look of the printed camo on the stock. Especially once it started to show wear. This past winter I...
  5. joelweb

    When it rains it pours

    Holy smokes. I've never drawn a long odds nonresident tag before and I've been applying for 17 years. Now I have a NM unit 15 muzzy elk tag and a Nevada 104, 121, 108 rifle elk tag for 2024. Kinda stressful to have two, but I'm not complaining. Appreciate anyone who might have experience with...
  6. joelweb

    This doesn’t sound good!

    Yes - individual conservation easements can be tailored and can prevent resource extraction when minerals and surface rights are connected. But if you own acreage and someone else holds interests in the minerals under your property, they have a right to develop them. A large portion of the...
  7. joelweb

    This doesn’t sound good!

    One should recognize that on private land, surface rights and mineral rights are often separated. Mineral rights supersede surface rights, so a conservation easement preventing subdivision on “split estate” does not prevent oil and gas development or hardrock mining. That’s why land trusts and...
  8. joelweb

    This doesn’t sound good!

    I've never been collateral damage of a hatchet job before. Below is TRCP's press release on the proposal. It would enable the use of Land and Water Conservation Fund dollars for voluntary conservation easements to conserve working lands in SW Montana. Similar programs have long been in place on...
  9. joelweb

    FWP lies about Corner Crossing

    The below is from the DNRC access guide. Appears to be from 2018. http://archive-dnrc.mt.gov/divisions/trust/docs/recreational-use/montana-access-guide-to-federal-and-state-lands-2018.pdf
  10. joelweb

    BLM proposing conservation leasing

    The leases would be available for two purposes: restoration and mitigation. Not to lease the land to prevent use. Also, there is specific language in the rule preamble about casual use (hunting and fishing by the public are casual uses). That language is below. The proposed rule would define...
  11. joelweb

    New Public Access Film

    Hi, Everyone. For those who are interested, TRCP just released a new film in partnership with Eastmans', onX, Savage, SIG SAUER, and Kenetrek to unpack the complexity of public access. It's tied to a Wyoming pronghorn hunt and delves into access issues that haven't been previously explored on...
  12. joelweb

    Vintage Ithaca Model 37 Shotguns Engraving

    No idea, but I'm a fan of those shotguns.
  13. joelweb

    It’s a 5-point Mule Deer, change my mind

    Eye guards on deer, brow tines on elk. Just go with 4x4 if the points are above the fork. Regardless of what's scoreable, it's how we do it out west.
  14. joelweb

    Montana Corner Crossing Updated?

    The Montana access guide still states that corner crossing is "not recommended" http://dnrc.mt.gov/divisions/trust/docs/mt-access-guide
  15. joelweb

    215 MT Antelope Buck Draw

    Thanks. I’ll get it done. Appreciate the thoughtful post.