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Recent content by JJHACK

  1. J

    Johannesburg Hotel B&B ??

    A safe place in Joburg? Yeah just like the safe places in Iraq and Cabrini Green in Chicago Maybe Pretoria, other wise get the heck out of there as soon as possible. The only way to spend time in the area, is to stay in a self contained hotel, or with a knowledgable local guy to help move you...
  2. J

    Toughest Hunter I have ever seen!!!!!

    Imagine the fitness of the camera man with the big camera, extra batteries, jug of water, and still keeping up with a low heart rate to capture all this video in such a steady and perfect form! I wonder how many camera men, and helecoptors were involved in this event?
  3. J

    Africa Plane tickets...

    The least expensive tickets are always the most attractive, however when you consider that the flights on Delta and SAA are over sold for every flight and the chance of an empty seat is somewhere around zero, if something should go wrong, you will not be going on the trip. As I said every flight...
  4. J

    Miracle of the African Trophy

    Bill Albrecht in North Bend Washington and Alan Malaise in Boise Idaho. The cream of the taxidermy crop in the PNW. Alan is an artist that you cannot beleive until you see his shop. His waiting list is extensive and he is very well known in Taxidermy competition circles. The name of his...
  5. J

    Miracle of the African Trophy

    Don't mistake my post for being completly negative about African Taxidermy. I have had things done there myself even though I have been doing Taxidermy for over 20 years now. Sometimes there are species or situations that justify having it done there. There are excellent taxidermists there, I...
  6. J

    Miracle of the African Trophy

    Shipping will be quite expensive for your mounts. It's always a lot more then they tell you so they can get the work. After 15 years of doing this for a living I can say that the cost difference to get your heads on the wall when you include everything is not a whole lot more in the USA...
  7. J

    Miracle of the African Trophy

    Thought I would share some thoughts on just what's involved with getting your stuff back. The Miracle of the African Trophy As a Professional Hunter and Safari consultant I’m quizzed on many African Hunting topics. One of the most common is “how do we get the skins and horns home”. Or I hear...
  8. J

    Scent lock being Sued!

    My post here was to share something of interest to many people. If I mistake this forum for a private "click" then I apologize for butting in on your party. I've never seen greenhorns post on the topic so I cannot comment? I have no idea who you are but I clearly have over stepped my welcome in...
  9. J

    Scent lock being Sued!

    No,......... and of all people I cannot imagine you wasting any time with a field test of that crap! Here is post a made about 3 years ago: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The extreme commercialization of bow hunting has, in my opinion, resulted...
  10. J

    Scent lock being Sued!

    We had a long thread here about a year ago or so. It was regarding the benifits of this Scent lock garbage. I posted a whole lot of chemical data and the background of where I found this information. Some guys were still buying into it saying it works great, others felt as I do that it's a...
  11. J

    Very Dangerous time of year upon us.

    Hard to believe this bore site has less damage then the gun or the guy! In general many of us get complacent in our gun handling over time. My soon to be 6 year old son is always around my guns now when we go shooting. I watch like a hawk and am checking to see the status of guns constantly...
  12. J

    Diary of a Plains game hunt with JJHACK Part 1

    Warthogs are my Number one favorite animal in Africa, nice picture Rick!!
  13. J

    Diary of a Plains game hunt with JJHACK Part 1

    One of my hunters posted this report and I asked him if he would post it here as well. He did not have the ability to post it here, but asked me if I could do it for him. So here is the Word doc he sent me with the photos...
  14. J

    Diary of a plains game hunt with JJHACK part 2

    JUNE 11, 2007 Today we are off on a gemsbok hunt. Jim knows that we all want gemsbok. While there are quite a few here, he feels that since we are all interested it’s best to go where not only are there lots, but it’s much more open and with luck we can find shooters. Henk, Dave T., Jack...
  15. J

    Auto feeders for upland game

    A few questions for some help with my little 20 acre ranch here in Eastern Wa. I have recently bought a tripod mounted Mountree programmable feeder. I have a lot of game birds passing through and see or hear them frequently. I would like to set this feeder up to keep them around even more...

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