PEAX Equipment

Johannesburg Hotel B&B ??


Dec 12, 2006
Bitterroot Valley Montana
One last part of the trip to plan. We were planning on staying at the Afton House. But, they are booked solid for the second day we are planning on staying n Johannesburg.
Staying AUg 5 and 6 th with PH picking us up the morning of the 7th. Anyone have any suggestions??? Something nice and in a safe part of the City.
Thanks in advance for the advice.
Afton House usually has a couple of other places they send overflow to - didn't they have any suggestions? We stayed at one and it was very nice. Not fancy, but the gentleman running the place was very friendly, the rooms were like a bedroom at my grandparents' house and the Afton House still arranged transportation for dinner and from the airport. I wish I could recall the anme of the place - it was named after an animal, I believe.... "something" House. I'll see what I can find out from my notes or my friends.

Sorry for the "senior moment" - it was the Eland House!
Dang!!! Cant help! In all my trips only one was not thru Joburg and I only got caught there once. PH friend was meeting me, recognized we could not make flight to Bloem because of SAPS and "present" I brought him, rebooked us for next morning and put us in a nice Hotel with airport pickup but I can not remember name---old age strikes again! Sorry!
After a few emails Afton House is going to book us into the Eland. I had found a REALLY Nice place about 25 minutes north of the airport Zulu Nyala country manor but was told they would be unable to pick is up there on our safari arrival day. To far away. Anyway thanks Calf.hunter looks like we are all set now. Just need to get customs paperwork all in order and we are all set. Hopefully!!!!!!!!!!
A safe place in Joburg? Yeah just like the safe places in Iraq and Cabrini Green in Chicago

Maybe Pretoria, other wise get the heck out of there as soon as possible. The only way to spend time in the area, is to stay in a self contained hotel, or with a knowledgable local guy to help move you around.
Wale Hale! Getting caught this time! Thanks to Deltas stupid arrival schedule, cant make my connection so I too get to spend nite in Joburg!!!
I would rather be in the Free State!
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