Recent content by EKYHunter

  1. EKYHunter

    Wannabe Mountain Lion Hunter from SC now in New Mexico. Any tips or offers to join much appreciated. I have two tags so if anyone wants to join please

    Good luck. You never know what might happen. A friend was in Mexico a couple weeks ago hunting Coues and came across two Lions fighting. He was able to kill one of them. Said one had a claw in the others head!
  2. EKYHunter

    Declassifying JFK/MLK?

    Thank you!!
  3. EKYHunter

    Ruger Predator 25-06 finished

    Looks great! I’ve thought of trying to find a Savage Axis II in .280AI and doing the same.
  4. EKYHunter

    Declassifying JFK/MLK?

    I’ve no idea of what you’re talking about. Care to post a name so I can look it up?
  5. EKYHunter

    Arrow Building Software vs Chat GPT

    Whatever happened to the good old Easton Arrow Chart?
  6. EKYHunter

    Savage has discontinued all previous Axis and Axis II models

    I’d like to have one of the Pro models in 7mm-08.
  7. EKYHunter

    CO Bill to ban Semi rifles and shotguns moves to senate floor.

    And people actually talk about compromise with these lefty loons? Total confiscation is their ultimate goal, never doubt it! Either the 2A means what it says, or it doesn’t. Traitors to the Constitution is what they are.
  8. EKYHunter

    Elk hunters may like this one

    very nice. What a blessing to have that talent.
  9. EKYHunter

    Reagan airport crash 1/29/25

    That’s what I thought as well.
  10. EKYHunter

    Fun Fact. NR adults need a license to collect sheds in Idaho

    How about driving through the state too? Scenic view has to be at least a permit I’m thinking.
  11. EKYHunter

    A Short Story About Landowner Permission Not Being Simple

    You definitely did the right thing. And unless I miss my guess, you’ve got some good karma coming your way. One door shuts, one door opens kind of stuff.
  12. EKYHunter

    Reagan airport crash 1/29/25

    What a terrible day. Praying for all involved.
  13. EKYHunter

    Selling price

    If I wanted to sell it, I’d ask $1,800.