Recent content by ChrisS

  1. ChrisS

    Hunting camp beer let's see 'em

    Our camp all drink the standard canned light beer variations, though there's a couple of us beer snobs around to have a few micros around and if I feel froggy, I'll bring up a 5-gallon keg of homebrew. We also have some connections with local stores and restaurants have had various "expired"...
  2. ChrisS

    Do folks from CO work on Fridays anymore?

    I think a lot of it is people are detaching from offices and less the cities since the March shut down. I am in a small office in upstate NY, but we've been pretty much WFH since then and there's been no drop in our productivity. As a project manager, I only have to visit sites occasionally -...
  3. ChrisS

    crazy low interest rates

    My wife and I are in a dilemma as we don't know if we'd rather cash-out refi and update our current home or buy a different one. If we refi, then I don't want to plan on going anywhere for a while.
  4. ChrisS

    Regrets in life?

    I'm 40+ and I've got a titanium plate and six screws in my neck after having a two-level fusion surgery 8 years ago. I'm definitely not some kind of backcountry badass, but everything is doable though you may have to adjust your definition of a "backcountry experience."
  5. ChrisS

    What’s your occupation?

    Project manager for an environmental engineering firm ... 15 years of this so far. We do everything from tank yanks to diverting rivers to dredge sediment to cleaning up unexploded ordnance. Right now I'm mostly about knocking down old buildings as well as treatment of contaminated groundwater...
  6. ChrisS

    Regrets in life?

    I've turned down Alaska three times now. The first two were as a young airman in the 90s and not knowing any better. The third time was last summer when my wife vetoed the transfer.
  7. ChrisS

    Deer vs vehicle thread.

    I've hit two, both doe yearlings. Once with a honda civic and the deer wrapped around the drivers side and wrecked the headlight, bumper, front quarter panel, and driver's side door. All told it was $5k in body work. Pretty impressive for a <90lb critter. I saw it coming and just couldn't...
  8. ChrisS

    Critters ATTACKING your game cameras?

    All of my cameras have tooth marks from bears. I don't clean them in between putting them out, so I think they just smell something different, investigate and take a bite to see if it's food. Daytime, deer are curious about their surroundings and typically I put my cameras at or close to eye...
  9. ChrisS

    How about some truckin' music in honor of the new Randy Ride?

    I wanna race in a bigfoot truck ...
  10. ChrisS

    BHA Rendezvous 2020

    My wife and I will be there Thursday night and Friday, but heading out to Glacier on Saturday. I was thinking about getting the wild game dinner tickets, but they were a touch out of my price range. Yeouch.
  11. ChrisS

    WTF happened to Sturgill Simpson

    Simpson said early on that he had a plan for 5 albums sketched out and that they would stretch genres: He's also said that he's interested in doing other albums with other musicians, too ... so yeah, he's interested in making art, which makes his music interesting and not just the same...
  12. ChrisS

    Does winter have you down?

    It does .. it also means I've started thinking about the garden much earlier than I usually do!
  13. ChrisS

    Does winter have you down?

    Nice fish. I was looking forward to a long and productive ice-fishing season, but the weather gods have conspired against me. Here in central NY, the ponds and lakes remain open or with ice too sketchy for my to take chances on and also, there's no snow and the ski slopes are pretty crap for...
  14. ChrisS

    2020 UK Hunting offer

    Whatever works for him. I'm flexible. My wife is headed over for Christmas this year, so our next trip would probably be at least six months+ from then.
  15. ChrisS

    2020 UK Hunting offer

    Wow, this is great! I'm going to check with my wife and see what dates she is thinking of for 2020. I know she usually tries to schedule them around our nieces' birthdays.
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