I made some goose sausage a few weekends ago. It mostly has tarragon and dried apricots in it. I dont think it turned out too poorly, but I probably wouldn't be super pissed about a dog stealing it.
Great story, Randy. It reminds me of the time my friend and I cut up a bunch of his dad's shotgun shells with a hacksaw and made essentially a pipe bomb, although, "pipe bomb" sounds much more nefarious than what was actually made.
Anyway, we took it down to this abandoned farmstead and...
*The majority of the beneficiaries that reside where those animals are held in the state's trust as well as what is best for the resource.
Your pro-privatization arguments are a bit obnoxious.
I have no solution for your problem, but I am taking advantage of this discussion to say that one item everyone should have in their range bag is a paint can opener. They clear stuck cases really well. We used to dummy cord one to our vests in Iraq for that reason.