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  1. AntelopeWalker406

    Friday on a Wednesday Long 7/4th Weekend pick'em tunes

    If you're looking for some songs that hate on the English, you can find some really neat IRA songs on YouTube.
  2. AntelopeWalker406

    Tag soup recipes

    Tag et melancoluque. It's a French dish that is really great. It means "tag and melancholy" it pairs well with drinking alone.
  3. AntelopeWalker406

    Metalworking Hunttalkers!

    I used to dabble in making knives for a while. I sold all the stuff and took up reloading. I may get back into it again sometime.
  4. AntelopeWalker406

    Anyone a steak hoarder

    I end up making a lot of ground with the things I shoot. Then I eat a lot of that because it's easier so the steaks last a lot longer.
  5. AntelopeWalker406

    Lever em up

    Rossi R95. I was a bit skeptical when I got it, but this thing is a shooter.
  6. AntelopeWalker406

    Go to roast recipe

    I like making beef bourguignon with roasts in a slow cooker. Make sure you sear the roast or it can dry out. I omit the small potatoes, soy sauce, and use a regular diced onion in mine, but the recipe below is what I use. I serve it on mashed potatoes...
  7. AntelopeWalker406

    Poaching, Partnerships, and Profits

    Yeah, it's legal, but a little bit of thought should have told them that probably isn't the best choice.
  8. AntelopeWalker406

    Worst Hotel you’ve ever stayed at ..

    Bad Land Inn in Dickinson ND. It seemed like the kind of place a washed up country artist would go to shoot up fentanyl. I think that entire town is running a low grade fever.
  9. AntelopeWalker406

    Poaching, Partnerships, and Profits

    That's incredibly disgusting. If any of my hunting buddies told me they were bringing a 9mm loaded with 115 grain bullets for any big game animal they wouldn't be a hunting buddy for long.
  10. AntelopeWalker406

    Ice chest rack ideas

    My second cousin keeps a small chest freezer that doesn't work and throws the baskets that came with it upside-down onto of dry ice and puts the quarters on top of a chunk of cardboard that lays on the racks. I guess that really isn't an answer to your question, but it's cheaper and works better...
  11. AntelopeWalker406


    Many years to the newly wed couple.
  12. AntelopeWalker406

    Life and Death

    I think seeing a beautiful creature like a fox smashed up on the road and knowing your niece would be affected by it probably got you a bit. Same with pets. You build a relationship with them. Individual elk, deer, bears, birds, etc aren't really a big deal because you know how many are left out...
  13. AntelopeWalker406

    Oregon Coastal Blacktail

    Thanks! I'll check his stuff out.
  14. AntelopeWalker406

    Oregon Coastal Blacktail

    I'm hoping to go to OR or WA to hunt blacktails one day. I just started thinking about doing it and have done almost no research into them. Does anyone have any book/podcast/video reccomendations where I can learn more about that species and hunting tactics?
  15. AntelopeWalker406

    Elk Caliber and Bullet Choice - 2024

    And that is why I am no longer going to mess around with the ABLRs. They did not do well, and it is not worth my sanity.
  16. AntelopeWalker406

    Rossi R95 Review

    @USAF Ret let me know if you end up trying that load and how it goes for you.
  17. AntelopeWalker406

    Rossi R95 Review

    Yeah, that stuff isn't that great. So the load was 32.5 grains of Tac with a COAL of 2.47"
  18. AntelopeWalker406

    FOB Marez/Mosul 2003

    Well, we're home now, and that's what counts.
  19. AntelopeWalker406

    Rossi R95 Review

    I never got a velocity. I think it was 32.5 grains of Tac. I have it written down. I'll check later. I initially tried Leverevolution and FTX bullets, but could not get a great group for the life of me.
  20. AntelopeWalker406

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    I know I am late to the game with my response here. I wouldn't mind a choose your region for mule deer. I really do not see a reason to choose a region for whitetail bucks.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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