

Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
So this Dan Rodimer, huh? I know that the mystique of the cowboy has always been larger than the actual thing. Could even say the same thing about Texas itself. But damnit all, this is nuts, right? Texas politics impacts NM so that’s why I care at all and it’s concerning to me that this problem could take office.

Yeah, that loser tried running for office here in NV as well. I'm sure he'll keep trying until he finds enough nutjobs to vote him in somewhere.

APNewsBreak: Wrestler vying for House had 3 assault reports​

Posted: October 4, 2019
Updated: 1:05 PM

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Police records obtained by The Associated Press show a former professional wrestler running in a Republican primary for a U.S. House seat in Nevada has been accused of assault three times.

Florida court records and sheriff’s office documents detail three incidents from 2010 through 2013 where Dan Rodimer was accused of punching or throwing someone to the ground in disputes at nightclubs and restaurants.

Rodimer had previously said his arrest and charge for battery from a 2010 incident was “unfortunate” and he regretted it. Collier County Sheriff’s office reports show two additional incidents from 2011 and 2013 in which Rodimer was accused of punching other men at or outside of nightclubs. It’s not clear why neither incident resulted in criminal charges.

Rodimer’s campaign responded Friday by saying his political opponents are digging through his past because he’s a “threat to the establishment.”
What a db! Don't blame TX lol. He's an ex-pro wrastler from NJ. Doubtful he will get much traction. But you never know in the blue metro areas.
Yeah, that loser tried running for office here in NV as well. I'm sure he'll keep trying until he finds enough nutjobs to vote him in somewhere.

APNewsBreak: Wrestler vying for House had 3 assault reports​

Posted: October 4, 2019
Updated: 1:05 PM

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Police records obtained by The Associated Press show a former professional wrestler running in a Republican primary for a U.S. House seat in Nevada has been accused of assault three times.

Florida court records and sheriff’s office documents detail three incidents from 2010 through 2013 where Dan Rodimer was accused of punching or throwing someone to the ground in disputes at nightclubs and restaurants.

Rodimer had previously said his arrest and charge for battery from a 2010 incident was “unfortunate” and he regretted it. Collier County Sheriff’s office reports show two additional incidents from 2011 and 2013 in which Rodimer was accused of punching other men at or outside of nightclubs. It’s not clear why neither incident resulted in criminal charges.

Rodimer’s campaign responded Friday by saying his political opponents are digging through his past because he’s a “threat to the establishment.”
“So, what’s your experience, sir?” Well, I’ve done professional wrestling, then domestic violence (never proven because I own that bitch) and lately stay-at-home not dad doing (#*&. After I graduated from playing football at USF, I went to this joke ass religious law school where everyone of the 200 students gets accepted but only 50% pass the FLORIDA bar.
Texas is under attack!
Them consarned Californios running away from the Socialist State of Newsom are showing up in droves!
Problem is, they brought their damnable, liberal voting habits that caused what they're running from with them!
Texas is under attack!
Them consarned Californios running away from the Socialist State of Newsom are showing up in droves!
Problem is, they brought their damnable, liberal voting habits that caused what they're running from with them!
Now hold up there, ain’t there banks in Austin where feller’s been cashing $3 bills for years now? Don’t suppose that business is due to the Californians no how neither.
Now hold up there, ain’t there banks in Austin where feller’s been cashing $3 bills for years now? Don’t suppose that business is due to the Californians no how neither.
They only use them $3 bills when changing $15 and $30 bills!

Austin went WAY west (left?) back in the late 60's and early 70's when all them cockamamie long haired, hippie type pinko fags started showing up!
Mebbe they DID come from Californicate!?
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Ok, all joking aside about alternative politics and lifestyles. I do hope there are more viable candidates on any party ticket for the benefit of Texans.
So this Dan Rodimer, huh? I know that the mystique of the cowboy has always been larger than the actual thing. Could even say the same thing about Texas itself. But damnit all, this is nuts, right? Texas politics impacts NM so that’s why I care at all and it’s concerning to me that this problem could take office.

They only use them $3 bills when changing $15 and $30 bills!

Austin went WAY west (left?) back in the late 60's and early 70's when all them cockamamie long haired, hippie type pinko fags started showing up!
Mebbe they DID come from Californicate!?
Hey pal- when all else fails, don’t be an a$$hole. Life gets better.
I’ve never heard of him, and know nothing about him. I read the article, and frankly I’m even more disappointed in the writer than I am with the politician. They really failed to say anything meaningful about where he stands politically or why we should or should trust him.

Main points from the article:
1) He ran in NV as a small business, family man living in the suburbs, but in TX portrays himself as a cowboy hat wearing, bull rider with a drawl. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that small business family men who lived in the suburbs couldn’t wear cowboy hats, ride bulls, or have southern accents.

2) He lost an election and moved. An awful lot of politicians on both sides of the isle fit that criteria.

3) He was born in NJ, moved to TX, then NV, then back to TX. So, you shouldn’t vote for someone from another state? Oh yeah, open the borders and let everyone in from every country. I’ll most likely be voting for Alan West if he runs for anything here, and I don’t care that he’s from FL. We have plenty snakes that were born right here in TX.

4) He seems to have a fake accent now that he’s running in TX. Well, Hillary and Gore both changed their accents from event to event when they were campaigning. It’s certainly doesn’t make a person appear honest, then again, the CIA used to claim that they could tell where a person had travelled in recent months based on the way they sounded.

5) He tried to ride a bull for a campaign ad, but also hired a body double, and it seems like the footage in the ad is mostly of the body double. Sounds pretty gimmicky to me.

6) When he was in college, he was arrested when his girlfriend accused him of stealing from her, but the charges were dropped. Really? A romantic partner accused him of something and dropped the charges and that’s supposed to disqualify him from running for office? Not only that, but she later married him and now they have something like six children?

The guy may be a total slime ball, he may be dishonest, and he may be a terrible politician. I wish the article had gone into something proving some of those things. He’s running against a very full field. If he’s a dishonest slime ball, there’s a fair chance he won’t get anywhere. It’s not my district. I’ve been pleasantly surprised with my representative thus far.

It seems @Gr8bawanna is a better reporter than the person who wrote the article, and it doesn’t look like he had to try very hard.
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I got an uncle in Bowie who will support the most unqualified GOP candidates and even he has reservations about this clown.
I can understand where your uncle MIGHT be coming from. I don’t support Republicans that I disagree with or that I think are unqualified when there is an alternative that will represent me the way that I want to be represented, HOWEVER, if I’m presented with the choice between a bad Republican candidate that will probably vote the way I would like for him to most of the time, or a highly intelligent and highly qualified Democrat that is going to vote for the exact opposite of what I believe in most of the time, it takes a pretty bad Republican candidate to get me to sit out on that vote. I may wish for an intelligent qualified Republican, or Tea Party, or Libertarian or independent candidate, but if that person ain’t on the ballot they ain’t on the ballot. Being disappointed in the candidate that is mostly likely to vote the way that I want him to most of the time, is not enough to make me vote for the candidate that is most likely to do the opposite of what I want most of the time. I think most Democrats think exactly the same way.
Now hold up there, ain’t there banks in Austin where feller’s been cashing $3 bills for years now? Don’t suppose that business is due to the Californians no how neither.
I have referred to Austin as “San Francisco on the Brazos” for as long as I can remember, sooo...I think that still counts as California.
I can understand where your uncle MIGHT be coming from. I don’t support Republicans that I disagree with or that I think are unqualified when there is an alternative that will represent me the way that I want to be represented, HOWEVER, if I’m presented with the choice between a bad Republican candidate that will probably vote the way I would like for him to most of the time, or a highly intelligent and highly qualified Democrat that is going to vote for the exact opposite of what I believe in most of the time, it takes a pretty bad Republican candidate to get me to sit out on that vote. I may wish for an intelligent qualified Republican, or Tea Party, or Libertarian or independent candidate, but if that person ain’t on the ballot they ain’t on the ballot. Being disappointed in the candidate that is mostly likely to vote the way that I want him to most of the time, is not enough to make me vote for the candidate that is most likely to do the opposite of what I want most of the time. I think most Democrats think exactly the same way.
Ok, so here’s a viable candidate for the GOP in TX: this guy’s got no criminal record, has worked for the same TV show 51 years now, fluent in at least 70 languages and is responsible for 213 Emmy awards to the aforementioned TV show. The guy is held in very high esteem in his community. He even just did a PSA with his aged father on the dangers of Covid-19 community spread (I hear TX may need a leader strong enough to say that). His name is Elmo and I think he’d hold up strong against a shit weasel like Dan Rodimer.

On officer and a gentleman, what does that drill sergeant say about Oklahoma? That many say about Texas? LOL On serious side, it will not be all that long and the major cities in Texas will turn Texas blue. Be a bad thing for the country if that happens. Texas is one of the last vestiges of freedom and defenders of constitutional rights. One party rule the liberals are after will be dangerous for this country and while it is good to have a GOP running, it needs to be the right candidate and right fit.
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