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Santorum to end hunting on Public Lands in Idaho

I'd rather get kicked in the nuts everyday for the rest of my life than give one cent to the WWP. What a joke of an organization.

Jon Marvel is a jackass.

But has dragged every Welfare Rancher in the West into the 21st century and been responsible for more on the ground improvements in the West than any one else.

I don't think he has ever made any claims about wanting friends, just wanting improvements to Public Lands.

Can't fault someone for improving quality of hunting.
I second this. It will be very difficult, if not impossible due to special interest groups' involvement, to sell off the Federal land in the West. Not saying it couldn't happen, but it will take much more than a President who mentioned it in a speech once.

On the flip side, the Chicago Liberal Democratic Machine, of which Nobama is a proud graduate, has introduced bills in the Illinois House to ban semi-automatic firearms. Not just ban them going forward, but "you've got 90 days to turn in your weapons".

These bills were crafted and pushed, along with a proposed bill - not yet in drafted form - for a registry of all firearms, by former White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, now Mayor of the City of Chicago (despite not actually satisfying the residence requirement in Chicago until he was elected - explain that to me). Anyone who believes that Obama thinks differently than this is deluding themselves.

As noted before, both Heller and MacDonald were 5/4 decisions in the US Supreme Court. Contrary to what some posters on here have said, the Supreme Court overturns 5/4 precedents all the time. It may not be an express "over ruling", it may be "modifying the result" - the end result is the same.

While I do not support any candiate or elected official who proposes to sell Federal Lands, I am not convinced that any such proposal would ever make it into statutory form. On the other hand, we are less than 10 years removed from an actual, statutory ban on certain firearms, including legitimate sporting firearms, and there are several states wherein these firearms and more are still banned. I would rather take my chances with a fanciful plan that will likely never see the light of day, than re-elect a man who, along with his political party, are so anti-gun and anti-hunter that one must either be intellectually dishonest or blind not to see it.

So you want to support a Presidential candidate that won't allow States to pass the laws the States want? You advocate some sort of strong centralised federal government stopping the Illinois Legislature from debating whatever issues they want???


You keep drinking the NRA Kool-aid.....

By the way, have you seen the Kool-aid stand they have these days???

Pretty impressive kool-aid stand the NRA has to send you scary mailings and ask you for another check. Let's all worry about being paranoid and ignore the stump speeches by the leading GOP presidential candidate who wants to sell My Public Lands.
Welcome back Jose, this is the first SI thread of a pol vent to reach more than 3 posts since Buzz's Bush vacation diatribes...funny how that's worked huh?

It is a gift.... :D

My guess is Randy's inbox is getting slammed with people upset that I would dare point out real issues about Public Land hunting and not share their affinity for kool-aid from AM Radio and Fox News (and the NRA).

I guess I should go climb back into my Ivory Tower and let them ignore Santorum's attack on hunting on public lands so they can concentrate on important things like imaginary legal cases and birth control.
Santorum scares nearly every swing voter in the country. I bet the Obama campaign is asking their donors to give to Santorum's SuperPac. His stance on public lands is just the tip of the iceberg of how his beliefs are outside the comfot zone of independents. Independent voters decide elections and Santorum is driving them away in droves.

I can't believe we are going to nominate either a plastic candidate or a nut case like Santorum. I don't know where all the conservatives have gone.


The problem in the GOP is the conservatives, the far-right wing-nut TeaBaggers have forced the GOP to try and "out conservative" each other, which is a losing position for general elections.

When you have white-haired, 70-year old, white males getting on TV and saying that "Bayer aspirin between her legs" is effective birth control (while writing million $$$$ checks to Santorum) you can see how out of touch the "conservatives" are.

In Idaho, you have a right-wing governor attempting to convince people that Romney is as nutty as Santorum.....

Gov. Butch Otter and U.S. Sen. Jim Risch said Tuesday that Mitt Romney is not only the best candidate to defeat President Obama but that his conservative credentials equal or better those of Rick Santorum.

“I believe he is the most conservative of the candidates,” Otter said, citing Romney’s record as Massachusetts governor and his career in business. “He is the most successful conservative that we’ve got in the race and I think that’s awful important.”

Risch’s standard was a bit lower: “I believe he is equally as conservative as Rick Santorum. Rick Santorum is certainly louder on some things, and, admittedly, Gov. Romney has firmed his position differently on some of the issues as his thought process has matured, as a lot of people do. Having said that, I have no difficulty with Mitt Romney’s credentials as far as a conservative is concerned.”
"You are terribly naive to Public Land issues if you think the "lefts" are trying to close down Public Lands. Every locked gate I have ever found has been put up by a Welfare Rancher, whom, I would bet, votes on the "right" every time.

Don't try and create new paranoia about people trying to ban camping...."

guessing Josie missed the part when the "lefties" here in illinois closed the parks down. must have missed the same thing that happened in minnesota? and nothing to do with welfare ranchers. all to do with the lefties fight for power. or is this just a "west" thing?
It is a gift.... :D

My guess is Randy's inbox is getting slammed with people upset that I would dare point out real issues about Public Land hunting and not share their affinity for kool-aid from AM Radio and Fox News (and the NRA).

I guess I should go climb back into my Ivory Tower and let them ignore Santorum's attack on hunting on public lands so they can concentrate on important things like imaginary legal cases and birth control.

I'm seeing an ideological reversal in Santorum's near future....sorta like Obama's Catholic 'aspirin' blunder.

Personally I don't see a fart in the whole load of horseshit....including the incumbent.
"So you want to support a Presidential candidate that won't allow States to pass the laws the States want? You advocate some sort of strong centralised federal government stopping the Illinois Legislature from debating whatever issues they want???"

we already have that. the guy from hawaii/kenya..........

I don't find alot of the religious right to be "conservative" they are religious which is different. The Tea Party is not fiscally conservative as that term is understood by anyone with a firing brain cell. Polling shows Tea Party members support no changes to Social Security and Medicare.

Instead of running on anything of substance the candidates have to resort to stupidity to capture the low hanging fruit that hovers around the supposedly "conservative" elements of society but all those blue hairs are getting their entitlements and don't want to have any cuts. I find it disheartening.

People have confused being a conservative with being religious, they are not one and the same.

Santorum has as much chance of beating Obama as I do beating Usain Bolt in a foot race.

"You are terribly naive to Public Land issues if you think the "lefts" are trying to close down Public Lands. Every locked gate I have ever found has been put up by a Welfare Rancher, whom, I would bet, votes on the "right" every time.

Don't try and create new paranoia about people trying to ban camping...."

guessing Josie missed the part when the "lefties" here in illinois closed the parks down. must have missed the same thing that happened in minnesota? and nothing to do with welfare ranchers. all to do with the lefties fight for power. or is this just a "west" thing?

If something "bad" happened in Illinois, I hope you and the other Illini voters address it and manage your affairs. Good for you. I just don't see the risk that Obama is going to ban camping on BLM lands if re-elected like the guy from West Va. does.

I do see a problem with the leading GOP Presidential Candiate coming to Idaho and saying he wants to sell of My Public Lands (except Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon) and end hunting in the west.
It is a gift.... :D

My guess is Randy's inbox is getting slammed with people upset that I would dare point out real issues about Public Land hunting and not share their affinity for kool-aid from AM Radio and Fox News (and the NRA).

I have had a few "Who the hell is the guy with the drag queen avatar?" PMs.

I'm not too worried about it. Just glad to be informed of what idiots are out there trying to get elected on the back of my hunting opportunities.
I'm seeing an ideological reversal in Santorum's near future....sorta like Obama's Catholic 'aspirin' blunder.

Personally I don't see a fart in the whole load of horseshit....including the incumbent.

I don't think so. I think Santorum is genuine, and honestly believes some nutty-ass ideas. I don't see him evolving.
"So you want to support a Presidential candidate that won't allow States to pass the laws the States want? You advocate some sort of strong centralised federal government stopping the Illinois Legislature from debating whatever issues they want???"

we already have that. the guy from hawaii/kenya..........

Always good to see the birther crowd in attendance...

I don't find alot of the religious right to be "conservative" they are religious which is different. The Tea Party is not fiscally conservative as that term is understood by anyone with a firing brain cell. Polling shows Tea Party members support no changes to Social Security and Medicare.

Instead of running on anything of substance the candidates have to resort to stupidity to capture the low hanging fruit that hovers around the supposedly "conservative" elements of society but all those blue hairs are getting their entitlements and don't want to have any cuts. I find it disheartening.

People have confused being a conservative with being religious, they are not one and the same.

Santorum has as much chance of beating Obama as I do beating Usain Bolt in a foot race.


I think the 2012 GOP is still afraid of the lessons from 2010 GOP when you had the nutty witchcraft lady from Delaware defeat an incumbent, and the even nuttier bat-shit crazy lady in Nevada who cost the GOP seats.

And, I get confused on who is "conservative" when you have Social Conservatives, Fiscal Conservatives, and Religious Conservatives, all of whom may have different beliefs and claims to the title of "conservative".

But, it seems like Newt/Mitt/Santorum are all trying to out-jockey themselves to the most extreme category on all 3 elements, which, is far from the middle.

The fact, that in 2012 we are having congressional hearings on birth control with 5 white guys as witnesses speaks highly of the nuttiness of the 2012 version of the GOP.

Don't give up on your 2012 Olympic dreams for the 100 meters. If you get a good regiment of performance enhancing drugs, you have a chance to be competitive in London this summer.
I have had a few "Who the hell is the guy with the drag queen avatar?" PMs.

I'm not too worried about it. Just glad to be informed of what idiots are out there trying to get elected on the back of my hunting opportunities.

Come on Fin, you can tell everybody the real reason there is no "BAYED" this year....

The grand prize last year was a 3 day crappie fishing trip with Jose, unfortunately the winner hung himself on the second day.

Actaully, I like the pizaz that fat munchcin Jose has. He gets his self confused easily though. I almost sent him a friend request on Facebook but I was afraid he would accept it. :D
I have had a few "Who the hell is the guy with the drag queen avatar?" PMs.

I'm not too worried about it. Just glad to be informed of what idiots are out there trying to get elected on the back of my hunting opportunities.

Randy, I think we differ on this.

I don't blame the "idiots" that are running for office, I blame the "idiots" who do the voting for these ass-clowns. People are willing to ignore anti-hunting positions of candidates because of some sort of mis-information they believe.

Even when presented with FACTS, and actual quotes from the candidates, for some reason, the voters are more willing to listen to conspiracy theories from the NRA and birther/AM radio talking-heads.

I scratch my head on that part.

Romney is in town today, and I was going to go to his $1000 a plate fundraiser until I remembered he doesn't care about poor people, so I decided I would go to his $2500 a plate fund raiser to assure I get a decent meal.
I have had a few "Who the hell is the guy with the drag queen avatar?" PMs.


I actually thought that is what he looked like until he posted a sweet picture on the Mystery Ranch thread with a whole antelope in the back of his Longbow. I think he even had a BSU hat on. How bad can he be.
Romney is in town today, and I was going to go to his $1000 a plate fundraiser until I remembered he doesn't care about poor people, so I decided I would go to his $2500 a plate fund raiser to assure I get a decent meal.

You are so cool. :cool:

I don't like Romney much either but I believe he said "I'm not concerned about the poor because they have a safety net." Not that he doesn't care about the poor. Is he right? Well I don't know but I have a few rental homes on the "west side" of Charleston, WV. When I go knock on the door to collect rent because they ignore my letters and phone calls I can see the X Box 360 and 60" flat screen tv's kickin. Usually I get some sad story how they will pay me next week cause the cell bill and cable bill broke them while they are texting on an iPhone 4. Or there check didn't show up, they be callin all day trying to find out where it is. I bet poor people in other country's would love to be poor like people in America. :eek:
I actually thought that is what he looked like until he posted a sweet picture on the Mystery Ranch thread with a whole antelope in the back of his Longbow. I think he even had a BSU hat on. How bad can he be.

Wasn't that under a different screen name though? :eek:
So you want to support a Presidential candidate that won't allow States to pass the laws the States want? You advocate some sort of strong centralised federal government stopping the Illinois Legislature from debating whatever issues they want???

Actually, I already have one: The US Constitution, specifically the Second Amendment to said Constitution. I would like for the Constitution to be enforced, and I would like a President who will appoint justices to the US Supreme Court who don't invent new rules/ignore plain rules as it suits their needs. I know there are those from both parties who are guilty of this failure. However, most of the compaints that liberals have about conservative judges are when the judge/justice follows the plain interpretation of a law/provision in the Constitution, with which the liberal does not agree. Most of the complaints that conservatives have are when liberals "invent" new rights out of whole cloth, or "penumbras emanating from the 14th Amendment" (actual language in the Court's opinion in Roe v. Wade).

That being said, I find myself at odds with the Republican Party on many conservation issues. I cannot, however, align myself with the Democratic Party and the PETA/HSUSA nutcases that inhabit their environmentalist wing. I am also not convinced that Santorum is going to be the nominee. I fervently hope that whoever the nominee is, that he beats Obama and rolls back many of the statutes and regulations passed during his AND BUSH'S terms, and will roll back the size of government. GWB was not a true conservative - growing the size of government is not acceptable. Bad as Bush was in this respect, Obama has set new standards for expanding the size and role of government.
Funny how some claim innuendo or fear mongering unless it's Reid, Pelosi, Sharpton, or Obama spinning. I just don't get the one sided yammering of selective indignancy.
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