Zodi showers at altitude

You might want to check to see if any of the filters are @#)(# eyed. I've had mine for about 5 years and never had an issue.

I pulled the filter out completely and it works like a champ.

I rinsed the filter, squeezed it out, replaced it and once the filter was in there, it won't even draw water 6" up the intake tube (I replaced the crappy tubes with $5 clear tubing from the hardware store while I was at it).

We don't really have a problem finding fairly clean water, so I'll use i sans filter for now. Might poke some holes in the filter and see if that helps.

Thanks, guys!
My buddy decided we needed an up grade to our shower set up last year. He tried the Zodi but was not satisfied with it before it even left Iowa. We ended up with this set up.
That's an on demand propane heater. Water was supplied by a small gas powered Honda pump. It worked well.
I should say my friend bought that set up really for camping with his family of full of women.
It was to much for me and means you need to be within hose reach of a good water source. We're going back to the old stand by this year.
Thats an eccotemp heater. I have that same set up...tent and all. Only my water is from a 12v pump with a solar charger...No generators in my camp. I have a bracket on my trailer to hang the heater from and have the tent right next to the heater. Theres a gas station/bar/motorcycle shop a couple miles from where I enter the national forest and fill up the 65 gallon tank there.
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