
Zinkes confirmation hearing, watch

I don't like how friendly People like Chaffetz and Fielder are with Zinke

There is a reason they are publicly acting as though they like him. Politics. Right now, the entire Utah delegation is all in for having their boy, State Rep. Mike Noel, as the BLM Director. The Utah/ALC crowd dislikes Zinke because he has been one of the few Republican sticks in the mud on this transfer ideas.

Behind the scenes, all is not what it appears. The BLM Director position is not Zinke's call. The Utah delegation sees Noel as their boy; an aggrieved former BLM employee who has been in their state Legislature pushing transfer, suing the Feds, and funding the legal costs of those busted for their rogue ATV ride.

If Noel doesn't get his position, expect the Utah delegation to use their committee Chairman positions to do all they can to put Zinke, Daines, Gardner, and any other MT/CO Republicans in a tight spot. Right now, they want to act like they support Zinke, though when his nomination was pushed forward, they were not fans of the idea. You are seeing window dressing on their part.

Do some Google searches of "Mike Noel Utah BLM" and see what you think.

As for Fielder and ALC, they are nothing more than Utah delegation leg humpers in this decision of Interior. They have had no input and are completely discounted by those who made the decision on Zinke. For them to post what they did is laughable. They have adopted the Utah model of creating your own PR narrative and get the fools and cowards to buy it.

This behind the scenes drama will be good fodder for an entire podcast episode, some day.
Thanks for the insight BigFin. I do not understand politicians, and therefore do not understand politics. Most people I know don't smile and pose with those looking to destroy the things they love. I would be a poor politician. Someday, hopefully, that podcast episode will tell the tale of how ridiculous the Fielders and Chaffetz of the world are.
This, combined with the post from a few days ago will no doubt make for some good stories down the road when they are able to be told. Who decides the BLM Director?
"Most people I know don't smile and pose with those looking to destroy the things they love".

Might be because you (and a lot of us) probably choose to associate with genuine people if given the chance. Some folks can tolerate otherwise, I guess.
I think I am already on record, but if not, put me down as one who thinks hunters are going to get a raw deal under Zinke, if you care about Public Lands.

Time will tell, but he is way too much about his self-promotion and self-adulation for my tastes.
I think I am already on record, but if not, put me down as one who thinks hunters are going to get a raw deal under Zinke, if you care about Public Lands.

Time will tell, but he is way too much about his self-promotion and self-adulation for my tastes.

Not saying he, or anyone for that matter, will be perfect, but of the other candidates that were the top three prior to hunters stepping in, McMorris-Rogers, your own Labrador, or Wyoming's Lummis, which would you prefer? Those are your choices. How would you make the best of it?
Not saying he, or anyone for that matter, will be perfect, but of the other candidates that were the top three prior to hunters stepping in, McMorris-Rogers, your own Labrador, or Wyoming's Lummis, which would you prefer? Those are your choices. How would you make the best of it?

Yes, compared to the alternatives.

I guess my point is that nobody should relax and take a nap for the next 4 years. With Sally Jewell, we just had to argue local land management issues. With Zinke, the stakes are much greater.

Think about it.

Perry wanted to eliminate the Dep of Energy

DaVos wants to eliminate the Dep of Education

Zinke wants to ________________?

Trump has not put anybody in because of a strong belief that the federal government is competent in the status quo. We truly are clinging to a few minute soundbite of Don Jr from 14 months ago, and a moment of objection from Zinke at the GOP convention last July. Despite plenty of examples (Zinke voting to change House rules to speed up the sale of public lands, etc.) that should cause alarm.

Honestly, I think the best hope for Public Lands is that they fly low enough to stay off the radar as Trump & Co push thru their War on Women, War on Muslims, War on LGBTQ, War on ___________, and to do that, you have to beat back the early, initial attacks like HR 621 and 622.
Yes, compared to the alternatives.

I guess my point is that nobody should relax and take a nap for the next 4 years. With Sally Jewell, we just had to argue local land management issues. With Zinke, the stakes are much greater.

Think about it.

Perry wanted to eliminate the Dep of Energy

DaVos wants to eliminate the Dep of Education

Zinke wants to ________________?

Trump has not put anybody in because of a strong belief that the federal government is competent in the status quo. We truly are clinging to a few minute soundbite of Don Jr from 14 months ago, and a moment of objection from Zinke at the GOP convention last July. Despite plenty of examples (Zinke voting to change House rules to speed up the sale of public lands, etc.) that should cause alarm.

Honestly, I think the best hope for Public Lands is that they fly low enough to stay off the radar as Trump & Co push thru their War on Women, War on Muslims, War on LGBTQ, War on ___________, and to do that, you have to beat back the early, initial attacks like HR 621 and 622.

I agree. Anyone thinking they can sleep and all will be well could wake up and find they have no place to hunt/fish/camp/hike.

That said, as risky as it is, we don't have the luxury to stand back and see what happens. Most in DC, including the transition team, are uninformed about our issues. When uninformed, you go ask other people who claim to be experts. The folks who have been given the "expert" title by the RNC, are not the dudes I want weighing in. So, even if it comes with some liability and some egg on my face in the future, as I am sure it will, I'd rather do what can be done to have some contrarian opinions provided and not let the RNC "experts" from Utah direct all the decisions.

Gonna be a long four years if the RNC relies on their "experts" and so long as the UT dudes have the tenure and Chairman positions they do. I can't change those facts. The elections are over and Congress has been seated. We have no choice but to operate within that reality and do the best we can to advocate for our cause.
Speaking of experts, all you scientists who work for the Feds, keep your head down and your powder dry. You are more helpful on the inside, slipping manila envelopes under doors at night, than you are out on the street holding a sign and making phone calls or standing in the unemployment line.
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