Caribou Gear Tarp

Yukon Draw Results 2024


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2018

My Yukon resident sponsor called to let me know that we've drawn a Caribou/Moose special guide license. This is a license where a Canadian non-Yukon resident can apply for with a resident sponsor.

To say that I'm happy is an understatement! I never thought I'd get the chance to DIY big game hunt any of the Territories due to how restrictive they are for non-residents. I now have the option to hunt either caribou or moose. My sponsor is a lot more comfortable with moose but I've already shot a few bulls, sounds like he's willing to take a shot at caribou which he's never done successfully in the past. I'm leaning more on chasing caribou as this is probably my first and last chance at them. Looking forward to doing some research on this hunt and drive up the Dempster this fall! I'm f'n stoked, boys!!!

Don't know anything about the Yukon draw, but this looks pretty awesome!! Congrats
Don't know anything about the Yukon draw, but this looks pretty awesome!! Congrats

Didn't know much about it, other than it was very restrictive for non-residents unless they went with a guide $$$. Until I met a guy from the Yukon who offered to act as my special guide for the hunt.

Going to grab my small game and fishing license, too! Can't wait!!!
Hell ya Sasky!!! I hope you get a big ol gnarly bull!! If you see a dinosaur of a moose while waiting to see caribou, would you do it?

It would probably be my toughest hunting call... Right now, I would say no, but four months from now I might ask my buddy to hold onto my bullets, just in case... 😬
Envy sets in, but congrats on the tag. Please share the story. Selfishly speaking, this is a dream hunt for me so I’m loving it through your story.

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