Not the greatest pic but a fond memory. A small, no name stream near Gunnison gave up this one and at least a dozen like itin about an hour right at sunset
Some cracking photo's there.
This is one that sticks in my mind, the lady i was guiding could cast a tight loop which was needed, we saw this little wild brown trout sipping flies in one of the most inaccessible area's on the river, tight under tree's in front of a tree stump, when we figured out it was taking mayflies she did a couple of casts to get the distance and then performed the perfect cast, it just sticks in my memory to this day.
But just to show you i catch fish as well here is a picture of a nice Sea Trout i caught, our version of your Steelhead.We only fish for them at night, which is exactly what i intend to do later!
Probably 2009. Nothing special and not that great of a picture. But I skipped class for this one, and headed to the Clark Fork. Which I tended to do too often, and wish I could do now.
Here's a couple of fat North Platte River rainbows. Every time I see this picture it brings back memories of sitting in my camp chair drinking coffee watching the sun rise over the mtns.