Your Favorite Outdoor Authors?

El Serio

Jan 23, 2018
My all-time favorite is Jack O'Connor, even though he died before I was born. I have read many of his books and severak of my species and location interests find their origins in his writings.

Another favorite of mine is Dwight Schuh; I feel he is underappreciated because he is a bowhunting writer and those who don't use archery equipment may not know who he is. I am absolutely positive I have gotten better at hunting by reading his stuff, and I really like his attitude and family first priorities.

There are many others that I like, but would like to hear from the crowd here.

Who are your favorite outdoor writers?
Tom Reed. Greg McReynolds. Chad Love. Basically anyone who contributes to Mouthful of Feathers blog. Same with the Pulp Fly series.
I think I read every McManus book 20 times growing up. I might just have to pull one off the shelf one of these days and have myself a good chuckle.
I will read every word I can find that Duncan Gilchrist wrote.

I've been lucky enough to hunt a lot of the same areas he wrote about, and his writing style is just really digestible for me.

An underrated writer for me is Greg Tollefson. Greg started writing for my hometown paper the year I was born. He stopped writing for the paper a couple years ago, but still pops up from time to time. He's great.
Gary Clancy! Down to earth, budget sportsman that still loved the pursuit and writing about it and sharing tips and tactics
CJ Box, his characters may not be real but if game warden Joe Pickett doesn't get you reading. Well then...
Love the Joe Pickett series ^^

Robert Ruark has some good stuff. I grew up not far from where The Old Man and the Boy was based, so it has always been a favorite, which is about time to reread. Also enjoy Hemingway's African stuff. Don't know that I will ever go over there, but its good reading. I'm working on some Dan Flores now. Makes me laugh reading Coyote America, and then guys on our local deer hunting facebook talking about trying to kill them all. Good luck fellas...
John Barsness. A bunch of his stuff is gun techy, but he also has hunting stuff that I really enjoy. His book on hunting the Plains I really liked.

Walt Prothero. His biology and writing education combine for a style and substance I really like.
Another one for C.J. Box, the Joe Pickett books are great. His others are also well written!
Many great ones already listed. I would add Tom McGuane, Thomas McIntire (especially about Africa) and Don Thomas. The very best for essays that capture the essence of hunting, fishing and dogs is the late Gene Hill.
Charles F. Waterman. 1913-2005

One need not go any farther. IMO.

Charlie Waterman was an American Outdoor writer and photographer. He wrote over twenty "Outdoor" books during his lifetime. All of them with a great sense of personal humility and humor. Often that humor was pointed in his direction He never took himself too seriously. But he was literally an expert on such a wide array of outdoor hunting and fishing pursuits. Wing Shooting, Bird dogs, Fly Fishing, Big Game Hunting from Montana to Alaska. He and his wife, DeBie, based out of Livingston Montana in the Spring through late Fall. And Florida the rest of the year. They lived frugally and for their love of the Outdoors. Among the books he authored on a wide array of subjects. He wrote both of "how to" and "instructional". As well as narratives and reflections of so many special times in the field with just himself and or with friends. No one could describe a morning elk hunting in the Madison Country. A duck blind on a Montana Spring Creek, or tarpon fishing in the Keyes like Mr. Waterman. His writing just flows. And captures the moment and the emotions like some sort of "Shakespeare of the Outdoor World." The three works that have always been at the top pf my list are "The Hunters World" "The Fishermans World" and the one that is my favorite.... "The Part I Remember" . If you ever want to read great Outdoor Writing. You would be well served to find these books.

And I too appreciate some of the other Authors listed above.
Not quite the "outdoors" you are referring to, but, Louis L'Amour does it for me.
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