Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Your attention is required!


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Bitterroot Valley
To all you outdoor enthusiasts

As many of you know we lost our bid to get HB 235 (corner crossing) bill out of committee.

We are planning a big rally in Helena on the 18th and are hoping for a huge turnout. Buses from cities like Missoula, and Billings will be headed that direction, on that day. We are hoping everyone that makes it whether a hunter or not will wear hunters orange.

What we need now, are letters written to each and every member of the House of Representatives. We need to apply some pressure on them to vote for a “Blast” on the bill.

That’s when 60 of the Reps. will vote in favor of that measure to let the bill be heard on the floor. This is the only shot at getting this through this session.

Our plan is for you to hit every House committee with a letter of support, from the link I provided. That way you don’t have to send letters to every single person. Those members are on several committee’s each, so they are sure to get your e-mail a couple of times.

Please take the time to act. It’s a small price to pay for the benefits you and our future generations could enjoy.


The link: http://leg.mt.gov/css/Sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp
Robert is correct. To have any chance of this bill, these legislators need to hear from us, with no uncertaintly, that we want to move this forward and solve the Constitutionality, one way or another.

If any of you can make it that day, it is greatly appreciated. If you cannot, then at a minimum, I hope you would take the time to email the legislators in your area. If we can get this issue moving forward and the rulings on the law are in our favor, it will open some of the best hunting ground in Montana, including a lot of great elk ground where public/private checkerboarding is more common than public land being completely landlocked.

Thanks in advance for any support you can provide.
I can't make the rally and vote as I will be on a fishing trip, but I sent a message to my legislator and others asking for their support. I hope they can get this blasted out of committee.
Support this, if this passes in MT we could push for it other places like Wyoming......
Well took awhile but I got one sent to every house committee (plus some senate committees on accident). Hopefully they can bring this one back to life.
A soft Bump for a great call to outdoors enthusiasts.

Getting the word out. This is a major player to the public access in Montana! Man, this is soooo big! It directly effects areas I have drooled over though constantly view that tiny fraction of a point of contact where a foot would never touch either property.

There must be some serious money behind the outfitter/private owners $ grab from holding our public land hostage!

Cabela's Trophy Properties are directly targeting my areas... Gaining more and more private property lease options - securing our public land for their clients. :(

While unwinding after a hunt at a local bar, a guide bragged about effectively ping ponging a large herd of elk to and from private properties - with their goal to bring in the next client group while the herd was 'pinged' to another private property and then 'ponged' to acomodate that next client group... their goal within the private properties they have exclusive lease on - maximize client harvest success.
I want to get into the route of the public land that is secured by checkboard properties...
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Working on the letters. It takes a while, but WELL WORTH the time. Its crucial people get on board and be heard. Who knows when we'll get this opportunity again?

Thanks for keeping us in the loop SS (and crew).
A soft Bump for a great call to outdoors enthusiasts.

There must be some serious money behind the outfitter/private owners $ grab from holding our public land hostage!

Cabela's Trophy Properties are directly targeting my areas... Gaining more and more private property lease options - securing our public land for their clients. :(

A whole different can of worms, and why I haven't shopped there in about 7 years.
The sponsor has asked that we use the online email system for individual members, not by committee.

Here is a link to the House roster http://leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/roster.asp?HouseID=1&SessionID=107

It is imperative that we contact every Republican member of the House and you should also contact all the Representatives from your area.

We want to know whether corner crossing is legal or not. This can only be decided by the Supreme Court not the legislature and we will honor the Court's decision. Until we have a decision, we are in limbo. This is not an attack on landowners or private property rights, which we support, merely an attempt to bring definitive closure to the corner crossing issue.

Done. Some D's and every R has now recieved a letter from me. Sadly, I have only 3 responses back at this time. Regardless they were shown how important it is to me and every sportsman out there.

Thanks again for all of the information.
What would you think if we could open up 866,000 acres to access with no cost to the state or public???

That is the amount of acreage that will be opened up in Montana if the corner crossing bill passes!!!
Just wanted to let everyone know I have received some feedback from representatives regarding the messages I sent out to every committee. One representative expressed thanks for the comments and shared that she would support this bill. Our voices can make a difference, so keep the comments coming!

Sent you a pm to see if you had room on the bus leaving Missoula for myself and 2-3 others...

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