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You know why I ask

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
Can somebody please give me a number? I want to know how many folks have been killed by firearms since they were invented in 1350 (circa). Including suicides, homocides, wars, accidents, etc. Worldwide. Ballpark estimate is fine as long as it's not a full on guess. I'd like to be able to back up my stats with some retrievable data.

I think this number will astound some folks who support legislative bans on firearms in the effort to "save even one child".
They are saying 1,501 since New Town. 32,000 per year in the US on average. WWI 16 mill - WWII 60 mill

Who was killed by one would have even a ball park figure
I have found the 32,000 as a recent number as well. I think it is possible that half of those killed in war are firearms related perhaps less when you include famine, disease etc. does anyone disagree?
If it's really about saving children, why are swimming pools still legal? no one NEEDS a swimming pool.
I guess the point I am driving at is simple. Since the advent of the firearm some 650 years ago, it is probable that fewer than 55,000,000 people of all ages have died as a result of firearms WORLDWIDE.
Meanwhile, 55,000,000 unborn children have died IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE 1973! How large must that number be worldwide?
I ache for those who make the decision to abort. I agree with many of the exceptions bounced around and I understand why those particular procedures take place. But too many of these procedures take place simply because it is 'inconvenient for me right now'.
If we are truely set on saving the children, let us outlaw the barbaric act of choosing a lifestyle over a fetus' life.
Can you imagine the sound of 55,000,000 voices crying out?
So what's the arguement? Folks are gonna do it anyway? Some bad guys won't follow the rules? Listen up Einsteins It's not about saving "Just one child", It's about saving 55,000,000!
Rant over!!

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