Kenetrek Boots

You Can't Fix Stupid - $87,000,000 California Lion "Crossing"

Perhaps the overpass is really being built to help illegal aliens have a safer trip north to do landscaping. They pay landscapers $15 dollars an hour to mow their grass. Mountain View Ca. allows landscapers(illegal aliens) to park 24 hours on a street and then they have to move. Houses in Mountain View cost close to $2,000,000. There are houses available where I live for under $150,000 and we pay landscapers $15 dollars an hour. But then we’re not a ”sanctuary” city.
I think the thread has already moved on from the “Let’s just bash or defend California” portion to the “Ok, I came on a little strong at first and didn’t explain my rationale about about my feelings on the subject, but let’s have an actual debate” portion.

As any hunter or angler has heard, “should’ve been here yesterday.”
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Sorry about that. When I visited my daughter in San Jose I found California to be fascinating. I’ll let ya have at it!
Sorry about that. When I visited my daughter in San Jose I found California to be fascinating. I’ll let ya have at it!
Just messing with ya. That first joke about the husband and wife in SF was pretty damn funny!
Sorry about that. When I visited my daughter in San Jose I found California to be fascinating. I’ll let ya have at it!

Can you send me a referral for a landscaper. I've been hiring various landscapers and laborers for 15 years, and haven't had any work for under $20/hr for at least 10 years. The going rate for most right now is around $30/hr yet you seemed to find someone on the cheap with visit to your daughter.
I wonder how much they are going to waste on signs that say "Mountain Lions only- You other animals have to dodge the cars on the Interstate"
I haven’t been there in five or six years so I don’t doubt you. You shouldn’t be able to find any one to work for $30 an hour where houses average $1,000,000 to $2,000,000.
If you don't know that the prevailing thought on mountain lions is that they are in need of lethal management in California then you live under a rock.

Why don't you take some of your own demands and find your own citations here that support that this bridge will help keep lions from becoming extinct. After all, according to those building this thing, this is the only wildlife crossing ever made to prevent a species from extinction.

Find those numbers and get back with us.

If you are are going against the common perception that lions are not only overabundant in CA, and are not actually on the brink of extinction, then you can back it up yourself.
Submitted in my first post. Read it again.
man, if i was given 87 million dollars i had to spend coservation i'd buy a ranch and donate it to APR.

or throw it all it a lobbying/legal firm to outlaw mountain bikes, snowmobiles, cross country skis, and atv's on public land in colorado.

boy, a guy can wish can't he....
man, if i was given 87 million dollars i had to spend coservation i'd buy a ranch and donate it to APR.

or throw it all it a lobbying/legal firm to outlaw mountain bikes, snowmobiles, cross country skis, and atv's on public land in colorado.

boy, a guy can wish can't he....
I mean, no reason you couldn't probably do several of those things on your list.
I mean, no reason you couldn't probably do several of those things on your list.

to have success at point number two i suspect i would need a near endless supply of cash
man, if i was given 87 million dollars i had to spend coservation i'd buy a ranch and donate it to APR.
You really just put it in perspective for me... an even bigger waste of money... thanks for that...but I guess we already have a thread going for that one
Can you send me a referral for a landscaper. I've been hiring various landscapers and laborers for 15 years, and haven't had any work for under $20/hr for at least 10 years. The going rate for most right now is around $30/hr yet you seemed to find someone on the cheap with visit to your daughter.
So California raised minimum wage to $30 an hour?

I view it mostly but not entirely from the idea of maximizing consumptive use. Not because I really want to kill a lot more animals in my life but that model most closely aligns with the North American wildlife model. I
Wondering what you mean here? I think you either have a slightly different take on the NAM than I do or I'm misreading your meaning in the phrase "maximizing consumptive use"
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