You are fake hunters

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI

Did you see this? Congressman Denny Rehberg issued a press release the other day that called the Montana Wildlife Federation, their over 7,000 members and 24 affiliated Rod and Gun Clubs “pretend hunters.”

MWF sent letters to the Congressman asking for a meeting, and they were told “we’ll get back to you.” After two months, nothing.Nada. Zip. No email back saying: “Gosh, we’re so sorry, but the Congressman doesn’t feel like a meeting would be productive,” or “Denny just can’t find time to squeeze you in right now, but let’s keep trying to get something set up.”

Instead, the Congressman released statements from groups like the Gun Owners of America, who said that if you want unbroken habitats, long seasons and common sense management of Forest Lands you’re a fake hunter and that, “ any real hunter would be happy to support” H.R. 1581.
Just read this on the bullypulpit. Every Montana hunter should read this about Rehberg.
Hal did a great job on that post.

here's my favorite quote from Rehberg's press release:

Keith Kubista, President of Montana Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife thanked Rehberg and pointed out the hypocrisy of the Montana Wildlife Federation ad:

“What could be more Montana than waking up early to load up a pickup truck with your kids to go hunting on a snowy morning? The Montana Wildlife Federation did a good job of visually tapping into the outdoors way of life in their new ad attacking Denny. But their message couldn’t be further off base. The whole point of the ad is to visit a website called Roadless Hunters. No wonder folks are confused. Two-thirds of the ad takes place in a truck - driving down a road. A road the Montana Wildlife Federation wants to close down. Denny Rehberg understands that roads are important for Montana’s families to access our public lands for hunting and fishing. That’s why we’re glad he’s sponsored H.R. 1581 to open millions of acres to improved public access. Despite what this dishonest ad says, Denny is doing the right thing, and we thank him for it.”

1.) I'm not sure Keith knew what he was talking about
2.) Roadless Rule doesn't have anything to do with county roads
3.) 80% of MT's Roadless Areas are within 2 miles of an existing road. This 300 pound fatass (me) doesn't think that's too far of a walk.
4.) SFW, really Denny? Side with the guys who tried to take down our wolf delisting? Throw in with the boys who just called hunting "socialism" and want to eliminate 140 years of wildlife management success?
If Rehberg can only attract SFW for his support in the issues of hunting and fishing, he's got problems in a MT election. He would be better off to have no one endorsing him as to have the radioactive SFW baggage in his camp.

Let's see:

  • SFW tried to kill the wolf delisting rider that got us seasons in MT and ID.
  • SFW got their guy planted in AK and he resigned for illegal hunting and outfiitting charges.
  • SFW in AZ is currently trying to take 350 tags from the citizens of AZ for their own funding.
  • SFW in MT supported many bills diverting license dollars from FWP.
  • SFW in MT tried to get the state wolf plan changed in the legislature so it would no long be accepted by the USFWS.
  • SFW in WY tried to get special tags for the outfitters.
  • SFW (insert any of the other fiascos herein).

Mr. Rehberg has had many chances to represent hunters and anglers. He messed up most of those. By making SFW is advisors on hunting and fishing issues is another huge blunder.

I guess I should have expected as much, given SFW was holding a fundraiser for Rehberg when I was down at their big convention in SLC last month. He was being paraded around the building as a friend of SFW/BGF.
Well this certainly could be/should be political suicide for Rep. Dumbdumb. Saddling up with SFW and a group of gun goobers from Virginia was it?

He is basically banking on the ignorant masses that just buy their tags and sight in their gun the day before opener and know one thing, road hunting. Which sadly, is a majority around here. Banking on them walking into the booth and looking for the (R). Again, sadly, is what most will do.

I am amazed at how many hunters I talk to are completely ignorant of the SFW, or most issues facing them. Most can't see past the W-O-L-F.

This is not cool. Very worrisome for me.
Pretty good stuff getting posted.

I like the one of what appears to be family all there to pack out the elk, likely was not shot off the handle bars of a quad.
Not from your state.

I do not like the presentation. Most people will not look or click for comments. Those pictures are impressive and first impression is this congressman is for hunting.

Look again at the main page. I think you guys are actually giving this guy a boost! Remember, that most voters (myself included) are stupid. First impressions of this web site are impressive!
Not from your state.

I do not like the presentation. Most people will not look or click for comments. Those pictures are impressive and first impression is this congressman is for hunting.

Look again at the main page. I think you guys are actually giving this guy a boost! Remember, that most voters (myself included) are stupid. First impressions of this web site are impressive!

People will click on a picture to see it bigger, then they get the story.

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