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Cabelas in deep doo-doo

Firearms death rate, that includes shooting a criminal? What year was that?

Most of our hunting accidents are like getting in and out of truck. Two people on each door, pulling their gun out, that is pointed at the the other door.

This accident we're thinking about here is misstakingly shooting someone because they were in the background or something like that.
Tom I believe it was question for you though (as I don't want to keep sidetracking Buzz's thread) but you continue to puzzle can you (with a straight face that is) make this comment:

We practice safe common sense shooting down here to when it comes to a firearm

and then this one:
Most of our hunting accidents are like getting in and out of truck. Two people on each door, pulling their gun out, that is pointed at the the other door

Do you see now why many responses to your post/questions end with |oo
I dont care what their intentions are...its the result of their actions that matter.
if Cabelas sold it to someone who had no plans of development and granted public wouldnt have a problem with it?

Cabelas or anyone else has no control over what someone else is going to do with a property once the new owner gains possession.......only the local zoning board has that authority...and thats where the blame lies.

Cabelas had a choice to enter the real-estate business.

They made a bad decision and now they'll pay for it.
Since its business people they hire any more to run the show (hence all the new stores going in around the United States)

I'm betting they don't really give a rat’s hooey about the potential money they will lose from Montana and Wyoming combined

It’s definitely dressed to be a sporting goods store, but it's really all about the money in the end, not about the product or the ethics to get the money...

Hmmm.... Seems as if there are a lot of chain type stores with the same concept in mind
Come on 'chsr. You don't have to battle with Buzz on every thread. Do you think this has larger implications than just sportsmen from WY and MT?
Wasn't fighting at all Craig...

Didn't even enter my mind when I made the post :)

Just stating a fact that they have probably looked at for quite some time and utilized for their own monetary gain, nothing more...

There are great things stats does for the bottom line, doesn't mean it's a good thing for any thing else in general

But life today is as it is and we can't do much to change it except to possibly buy up these lands when they come available and donate them back to conservation groups if that is our want to do

Tyler is right except that I would add all the states and most of the world could be tacked to his post
The fact that their in business to sell real estate and sporting goods should have given them the idea to mesh the two and make sure their future would stay secure for generations to come. They had the oportunity to put the land in a conservation easment so game would flourish and sportsman would hunt this place,(buying gear) forever. The actual land that can be subdivided would be around 16,000 acres because the ramaining amount is actual lease lands that are BLM, State, or private. I would guess that the 7,000 acres in the forest is what the developer is after.

Tom, what kind of shit do you ingest. That's some Fugged up chit that comes off your keyboard.
That would be the good and ethical thing to do shoots, but in the business world assets and liabilities are looked at completely differently, this is the darker side of business and it is rearing its ugly head

Will it in the long run affect this business, probably not, they won't let it, just end up over time changing their base customer is all
Try to work with the State and County governments to restrict this type of thing from happening to other large parcels of land
I just caught this nugget of wisdom... Ain't gonna happen too much in the states with large portions of federal land as there's too much states/private property rights support in the state, especially among those that own large tracts of land. Sort of like the whole Sagebrush Rebellion...
One method I've seen done is what is called "cluster development".

For instance if a developer has 200 acres that he is turning into residential lots, he would be required to cluster the lots in a portion of the property.

Instead of say 40 - 5 acre lots scattered throughout the 200 acres, there would be 40 - 1 acre lots (plus/minus). Then the remaining 160 acres would be set aside in a conservation easement.
MarvB, You want a flack jacket if you come here and we have a 10 acre shooting law. Its better than a 150 yard law where you're at. The basic rules of shooting are point your gun in a safe direction, treat it like its loaded, be sure of your target and background everywhere, not just CA or TX.

Do you know anything about hunting accidents in your state? I posted our most common one, its something to think about, to avoid, since its the most common accident, at least here.

The number of people unable to have reasonable thoughts here is just amazing to me. Shootstraight, you think words are shit, you're real confused, try thinking straight, your gun will handle the shootstraight part, no problems.
Cluster Development sounds like a royal Cluster F**K UP. Sure it might keep a bit of open space around, but in most cases my guess is that the space would be worthless for wildlife habitat. Not due to the small size, but due mostly to all the use it would recieve from the folks living the 40 houses across the road. The WUI thing is very tough to manage IME.
if Cabelas sold it to someone who had no plans of development and granted public wouldnt have a problem with it?

Just because Buzz is intractable doesn't mean he's he usually is.:D

I'd be interested to see a reply, if any, Cabelas PR dept. comes up with.
I bet they'd say they are focussing on sportsman's property for sportsman to own, since its private land. Subdividing with some management plan, that would be good. Subdividing is happening all over, managing wildlife, that needs to be a part of the restrictions put on each piece that's in the division.

Maybe Cabela's would start a fund for hunters to make public land out of private land they could buy. Donate a dollar on every internet purchase or store purchase or something? Saying Cabela's should not go into the real estate business is off to me, I'd rather have them in it than some other business that cared nothing about hunting.
Yea Tom, maybe they'll start giving Swaros away too. Given, urban sprawl is inevitible, Cabelas, better than anyone, should know better than to facilitate it.
Sighhhhhhhh.....sorry (again) Buzz,

Tom (you can tell I have kids!) I'm going to try this ONE MORE TIME.
The point I am trying to get through your head is that though you have a TEN FUGGIN ACRE LAW in Texas it really doesn't matter!

If your "neighbors" house is built 100 feet from your property line and your property is a ZILLLLLLLLLLLLLION ACRES you are still hunting 100 feet from his house if you are on the edge of your property.

I AGREE that the Cali law is ALSO to close at 450 feet for firearm hunting but 10Ac ain't chit if there is co restriction in regards to the proximity of the building/etc!

|oo |oo |oo
Nobody in their right mind shoots at a building, we don't need a special shooting law for that.

Funny shootsstraight, I don't even have a 10 acre pen or a flack jacket. People just make up shit like that for fun.

Marv, here we can stand next to a building or even in a building and shoot out from it and it can be a safe shot. Pretty amazing, eh?

I wouldn't be surprised if shooting at a building would be a crime, like property damage, even assault, attempted murder if someone were there also. There's other laws to cover that.

Marv, you can get a flack jacket if you want, I don't care. Its probably a good idea in CA, especially. That's where the kids think having a riot, means shooting up the neighborhood and the property, right?

noharley, maybe Cabela's would collect of dollar donation, pool them, and put it toward getting more public land. That might work better. Urban spraw could be managed better if a developer cared about hunting, I don't think hunters or hunter/fisher businesses should avoid the issue of dealing with urban sprawl.
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