
NO biggie, I can take some shit. That was a pretty nice bull, but have you seen my latest bull?? Lets just say you'll be seeing it very soon.
Moosie gave it away with the picture in Kurts garage and your bull only being a little bigger. Are you going to post this years bull?? He cant be like 2000's??? Can he?
That's Wolf 4 Skin, pinhead. Make sure you wear the big orange goofy ass lookin hat when you come up here for rifle season, I have that pic posted all over the Montana road signs with a reward for the guy that brings me the hat, the reward is bigger for not bringing in the owner with it, if you know what I mean. If you come to Helena you sure as shite better not wear it at night! Especially if I have a spotlight in hand,which I should since it will be rifle elk season here. Greeny I may thro in a few extra bucks if there is scalp attached. ;) :D
THIS HAT ?!?!?!


HAHAH.. Whats the reward... 6,7 hundred dollars ?!?!? LAst I heard you haven't worked in 4 months.. ;)

(On a more serious note, Hows the MOOSE tag venture going ?)
I asked Greeny to send a Picture of Yetti because I wasn't sure what he looked like....

This is a picture of him at Kurts last Halloween party ('01) Said he has one of F.G.H. too.....

Anyways, notice the Camel toe :eek: :eek: :eek:

Holy chit!! :eek: :D I almost pissed my pants looking at that pic. That Yetti better be careful in the woods...if Bigfoot sees those camel toes he might just bend him over...:eek:
HOly Chit is right! Oh shit, I cant stop laughing! Surprisingly nimble in the woods though eh? With those toes I can see how he might have trouble getting his fly up!!
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