Yesterday was opening day!!!!!!

Congrats there buddy.Great looking deer for sure. :D
If Pope and Young has a website you should find the minimum score on there.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-20-2002 06:22: Message edited by: Kraven ]</font>
Great picture's TK, Nice Buck you got.
Thats the way to start us all off.

:cool: :cool:
Your giving us old folks a hard act to follow ;)
Couldn't find anything about a blacktail/muley cross but I found this:

Columbia blacktail typical 90
Columbia blacktail non-typical 170

Mule deer typical 145
Mule deer non-typical 170

These minimum scores were found at the Pope and Young website

I hope this helps
Nice pix.......hope Pug doesn't get a peek at them though.......he'll be callin' game and fish on you because the lighting ain't so good! :eek:

Congrats on your buck TK..
Thanks everyone!! DS, the pictures would be better but my camera is just one of those cheap throw a way cameras, so it doesn't take the best pictures. It was almost 8:00 PM when I got those pictures so it wasn't as dark as it appears. Elkhunter, yes that's my hat, I know you can't read it well but that's it.
WAY to go KID !!!!!! GAHHHh DAWG, A guy gets busy for 5 days and the first Nice buck of the season gets taken !!!! MAN, Ol' Moosie is proud of ya !!!!! Like th HAT too !!!! YOU need to take a close up with the rack and the hat. I'm guessing the only reason you didn't was all the girlies would be flocking to ya !!!! I hear of guys with that problem, I'm envious.

DID your G-friend give you a kiss ;) OK, I'll stoip before I tell all your secrets and Your dad reads this :D :D HAHA !!!!

CONGRATS AGAIN !!!! MAN, I'm STOKED !!! I was telling my wife I hope you score on a deer !!! Nothing like placing a arow in the right spot.. HELL.. Even in the wrong spot if it works out !! Hehe !!!!

COOL to ya !!!!! MAN, I'm excited for ya !!! KUDOS 'SLAYER !!!!!!
Thanks Moosie, yeah the girlfriend thought it was cool. I got more than "A" kiss. I got a few. :cool: :cool: :cool: The picture with the hat was pretty close just my camera is a piece of junk. I need to get a new one.
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