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Yellowstone Club coming to Colorado.

Not much of a community in the boat anymore unless you are ultra wealthy… I think the school kids will be okay up there…. Tabor is the least of our problems in this state, remember it’s not the “moron republicans” who appointed anti hunters to the cpw commission, and are ruining all communities with idiotic bail reform and lax laws on crime…
Having your tax state policy written by a felon is moronic.
Solving the housing crisis one golf course at a time.

"Enderle was unapologetic about Storied Development’s focus on high-end development. Spring Valley Ranch’s plan calls for an 18-hole golf course, a nine-hole “short course,” a clubhouse, a small, private ski hill on southwest-facing slopes and about 20 miles of trails with limited public access."
A SW facing ski area? Sounds like a short season.
A SW facing ski area? Sounds like a short season.
The writer isn’t too knowledgeable, it faces more NNE. I’m one of the few who can say they’ve skied it when it was open (yawn). Sneaking in and fishing Catamounts spillway under the full moon was awesome in the early 80’s. You’ll get caught if you try it now. The guy they hired back then wasn’t a match for four 17 year olds, he retreated when faced with a hailstorm of rocks coming out of the oakbrush more than once.
That area in Garfield is already choked with traffic for several hours each day. Adding all those houses will only make it worse. Cant funnel much traffic through a narrow little canyon.
Why does the state need to keep millions in tax surplus these days and raise my property tax by 3k over night? Please is it for the children?
Remember when the state had a deficit and then didn’t pay any state employee for the last month of the fiscal year and then double payed them the first month of the next year… but then could never afford 13 months of salaries in a year so the pattern continued for a decade…

I think reigns on the bureaucratic spending are good. Revenue can still increase based on population and C.O.L. increases under TABOR. Do you live in CO Indoorsman?
The writer isn’t too knowledgeable, it faces more NNE. I’m one of the few who can say they’ve skied it when it was open (yawn). Sneaking in and fishing Catamounts spillway under the full moon was awesome in the early 80’s. You’ll get caught if you try it now. The guy they hired back then wasn’t a match for four 17 year olds, he retreated when faced with a hailstorm of rocks coming out of the oakbrush more than once.
One of my biggest regrets in life is not taking my dad up more often on the frequent offer of “Do you want to go fishing with me today?” . We lived in Blacktail and my dad bought an annual fishing membership to Catamount for $100. This was in the 80s before any of the houses were built. Once it got built out we got shut out. Even though I didn’t go as much as I wish I had, I still have many fond memories of fishing that lake. We had particularly good luck at the inlet for Harrison Creek and below the dam as you mentioned. Those were good times!
One of my biggest regrets in life is not taking my dad up more often on the frequent offer of “Do you want to go fishing with me today?” . We lived in Blacktail and my dad bought an annual fishing membership to Catamount for $100. This was in the 80s before any of the houses were built. Once it got built out we got shut out. Even though I didn’t go as much as I wish I had, I still have many fond memories of fishing that lake. We had particularly good luck at the inlet for Harrison Creek and below the dam as you mentioned. Those were good times!
$100 a year to fish, I would have done that. Now the reservoit is mega $exclusive$.
$100 a year to fish, I would have done that. Now the reservoit is mega $exclusive$.
Yep… catamount country club… never fished there only swam/paddle boarded on account of a buddies hedge fund dad owning a home there… might have to ask if I can do a little fishing next time

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