Year round Coyote hunting - Yes or No????


New member
Mar 10, 2001
Breckenridge, TX
How many of ya'll hunt Coyotes year round?

If not why not? Should we?

I normally stop hunting the end of may when the calves, kids and lambs are big enough to take care of themselves. Losing one calf cost about $400-600, one kid is about $70-90 and one lamb can go up to 3-400 bucks counting wool etc. Therefore, we hunt yotes when livestock are young.

OK, now its your turn.

Our coyote season is year round ,except during the 7 days of deer season. We pretty much shoot them anytime we feel like it , even to the point of finding dens and shooting the pups.
Since our season is year around I hunt them whenever I have some extra time. I prefer to call them in, but in the summer that becomes almost a waste of time, so I will jump in with the crowd that runs them with dogs. Kinda fun to listen to the dogs get one off in the bottoms behind my house. Sometimes they will run a yote over six or seven miles before we even get a look at it.
.....den full of pup's!....that sounds like a good mount....have um nursing on the dont see that everyday!...we dont have much yotes here in maryland...but they are making a comeback..their has been reports of people seeing them on the eastern shore where i hunt...(something else to kill is welcome here)

we can hunt fox all year round...not much rules on huntin days a week,at nite,with the use of a light....(cant hunt anything else on sundays in maryland)
I've killed enough coyotes in my life that it wouldn't bother me if ai never killed another. I usually start hunting about mid Oct and hunt until about the first of March.

I kill plenty of them in the winter and have never had a reason to kill them in the spring except for predation control. This year I have an airedale pup I'm training as a tolling/denning dog so I will likely go out and harass them some during the spring and summer.

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