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What kind of Socialist are you that would attack our system of Capitalism? If the Yankees make more money and invest more money to make more money to invest more money, then more power to them.

If you want to be a Socialist, go move to France and learn to eat croissants.'re just happy cuz you won

JC...I get so pissed about the misinterpretation of true capitalism. Actually, the idea of capitalism isnt the ability to spend more and more, and becuz you have money be more and more powerful...even though that seems to be the current usage/understanding (and part of our economic problems today)
The true meaning of capitalism is a system of free enterprise, where opportunity exists for new ideas, competition, increases in productivity, availability of capital investment etc to be brought to the market place and have an opportunity to prosper with rewards benefitting the system as well as the proprietor.
That is NOT the real world system we are living in today...examples, limited available capital, limited entry into many markets, corporate conglomerates so large they monopolize industries and the biggest is the 'leakage' of capital out of that system in 'huge rewards' to a limited few and not being reinvested back into the system for growth.
Another misnomer is that taxation is a symptom of socialism...nothing is further from the truth...taxation provides a means to develop the 'infastrucure' at all levels for the capitalistic society to flurish. The things that are too large, too expensive for the system to provide/coordinate on it's own. And those tax dollars are reinvested back into the system and spent to provide, re taxed and spent's part of the 'velocity of money'.
Here in Mother Texas we only recognize the seasons as Summer, Winter, Football, and Hunting.
I, too, like croissants. The ones that pop out of the little blue can with a bit of sweet butter melting into them. Sometimes I make them with stroganoff (hamburger helper, naturally) to mop up the leftover sauce on the plate.

I'll give you some more brilliant gambling advice. Bet against the Browns, Raiders and Rams (albeit they all have byes this week). CarryOn Monsignor Touche.

Hmmmm...... "stroganoff" and "Hamburg" ...... isn't that more of your Euro-Socialsit crap? People like you are why this country is in the mess that it is....

Are you thinking a Luxury Tax is more Capitalism or more Socialism? I for one don't like the Luxury Tax in sports.

And, you are right about being happy I made money on the Yankees, although the Lakers only beating the Rockets by 1 kind of pissed me off when I had to give 2 points. Luckily the Warriors helped me out against the Grizzlies.....
JC...congrats on the win some and lose some...the trick is winning more than you lose...right? keep at it...sounds like you're pretty good at it.

A luxury tax is purely capitalistic (and most dont realize it). they have been around for centuries and people used to 'bitch' but pay them as they realized "better to have and have to pay the tax" than the alternative. the more good furtune you have on behalf of the capitalistic economy (because lets face it, the capitalistic economy we have allows for the opportunity), the opportunities it brings and you are able to capitalize on, there should be a 'cost' (ie luxury tax) for the use of scarce resources and opportunity cost of those gains...everyone pitches in based on what they gain from the use of scarce and limited resources. If you dig into a little research the former President of AA has finally figured this out and is stumping for the fact that the ecomony as a whole allowed him to benefit (greatly) and he should be happy to pay the due cost of his accumulations....Warren Buffet has also commented to the same effect.
Joe Po had a pretty good article this morning on it, about sums up how I feel about the whole thing, only you know, written wonderfully.

Spot on Randy. It's also cool to see another Joe Po fan. In my opinion, the best sportswriter in America today (even if his career outside of KC is still quite young). I used to enjoy Rick Reilly, but he has slid a long ways in a short time and Peter King sucks... plain and simple.
Posnanski is easily the must un-biased and well spoken sports writer in print right now.
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