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10 pts, WY outfitter search


Jun 26, 2017
I am posting this for my friend who is 79, turns 80 in a couple months. He has hunted out west for years. But due to a new hip and knee he isn't as mobile as he once was. He has decided to go with an Outfitter instead of DIY. We went to the Harrisburg Pa and Columbus Oh show but couldn't find anything. Looking for some suggestions from guys that have had all around good hunts with Wy outfitters. He realizes the winters have not been kind but he also knows his hunting years are also getting limited. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Much. I have also posted this on another forum.
With 10 points he can get into some good units where he can drive his pickup and find a good one fairly close to the roads probably not worth spending the money on a outfitter with that many points just a thought
With 10 points he can get into some good units where he can drive his pickup and find a good one fairly close to the roads probably not worth spending the money on a outfitter with that many points just a thought
Except he may not be able to handle it after the shot. A 80 year old dragging an antelope is a recipe for a heart attack.

To the OP, I hunted around Casper last year after the winter kill and there was still a lot of bucks to pick thru. I would look around there as they didn’t seem to get the die off.
I am posting this for my friend who is 79, turns 80 in a couple months. He has hunted out west for years. But due to a new hip and knee he isn't as mobile as he once was. He has decided to go with an Outfitter instead of DIY. We went to the Harrisburg Pa and Columbus Oh show but couldn't find anything. Looking for some suggestions from guys that have had all around good hunts with Wy outfitters. He realizes the winters have not been kind but he also knows his hunting years are also getting limited. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Much. I have also posted this on another forum.
I don’t know anything about the outfitter but I like the area. The couple reviews I have read online seem pretty good. Split Rock Ranch / QRS outfitters. 10pts might draw the tag? If he’s ok spending money for the special maybe go that route? Did I read somewhere that Wyoming has a special permit for mobility impaired people to shoot from truck / road in certain situations? Or maybe that was another state? I’m hopefully a couple years from retirement but if I was retired and had more time I would offer to meet him up there and assist. Would be a great hunt to be part of. Unless he is a real cranky old man. It’s hard for two cranky old men to hunt together. Lol
Darren Vorhies 3077520771 Professional Hunting Services

We have a couple scheduled for 2025, went with him for elk and some of the antelope were unbelievable.
Bob, He has a 13 1/4 on the wall along with a twelve that has dang good mass plus he's shot numerous average ones over the years. He said he would hope for a 13 or above.

Archer86 I put in for Wy deer and elk. The deer I should draw elk may be iffy. Im afraid if I draw both, a DIY hunt with him couldn't happen. I would love to go with him and stay however long it would take as we have done many out west hunts together.

tjhester, I will get the information to him. Thanks for the replies.
If you are still looking let me know and I might have a connection for you.
We took 3 antelope with Backcountry Hunting Logistics last year that scored around 78, 80, and 84. I'll post pictures later. They are getting officially scored in the next few weeks. We had a great trip and they went out of their way to accommodate our needs. You can check out BHL's Facebook page if you are interested. These were in a hard area to draw, but 10pts would be close with the special tag.
I am posting this for my friend who is 79, turns 80 in a couple months. He has hunted out west for years. But due to a new hip and knee he isn't as mobile as he once was. He has decided to go with an Outfitter instead of DIY. We went to the Harrisburg Pa and Columbus Oh show but couldn't find anything. Looking for some suggestions from guys that have had all around good hunts with Wy outfitters. He realizes the winters have not been kind but he also knows his hunting years are also getting limited. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Much. I have also posted this on another forum.
Best of luck to your friend. I think we can all agree on the fact that each of us hopes to be hunting when we are 80.

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