Yeti GOBOX Collection

Yahoo fantasy football

Next year, it should be FAAB and not waiver priority. A little less luck and more skill will make it mo’ betta!!
He's had some laser throws with a couple opps though he's been on the $!

RB wise, Raiders have been stuffing Eckeler!

On note of league play - wouldn't mind trying a PPR.
Well I’m thinking about moving the one over to Yahoo since I couldn’t fill the 12 person roster in that one. Maybe go to a PPR league! The reason I like the waiver priority is so the rich don’t get richer 😜 some guys can’t be on it all the time....
I've not played a PPR league before so not familiar though my impression is... we are allotted X $. We spend it on the players as we find best fitting our play style. I didn't realize you can make more/less $ based on time involved in the PPR. I thought it was a simple buy / sell without any form of increase / decrease..

Guess I need to read into it a bit further.
I've not played a PPR league before so not familiar though my impression is... we are allotted X $. We spend it on the players as we find best fitting our play style. I didn't realize you can make more/less $ based on time involved in the PPR. I thought it was a simple buy / sell without any form of increase / decrease..

Guess I need to read into it a bit further.
You’ve got two ideas mixed. PPR is a full point per reception, we had a half point per reception this year. FAAB is free agent auction bid and that allows you for example, $200 for the year. Users would silently place their bid and Wednesday morning it would process. The highest bid gets the player. Exactly like a silent auction except you can’t see other’s bids.
I prefer this because it adds more strategy. As in, for a 1 week player, you wouldn’t want to spend much as opposed to a year-long player. I’m done with standard waivers, too much sloppiness.
Does it play out through the season or is that set for draft only? I'm mixing them up along with creating my own theory how a league would best work, it seems. haha!

I figured, X $ is set for each football player, determined pre draft. Each league player is given Y $'s to pay for football players during the draft. Once the draft is complete, league players may buy/sell at the same value with other league players or waiver / free agent pool.
Does it play out through the season or is that set for draft only? I'm mixing them up along with creating my own theory how a league would best work, it seems. haha!

I figured, X $ is set for each football player, determined pre draft. Each league player is given Y $'s to pay for football players during the draft. Once the draft is complete, league players may buy/sell at the same value with other league players or waiver / free agent pool.
No, this is strictly for free agents and the waiver method. There is an auction-style draft. That is separate from the waiver priority.
@Duck-Slayer how u not start herbert vs the Raiders incredibly bad secondary. Risky move...haha
Only reason is that Herbert had 2 subpar weeks and the last meeting he only scored 23pts, Kyler Murray is expected 27 pts, I should have started RB Pollard, I didn’t see till it was to late that Elliot was out... bad move by me.
Yeesh! Kelse-brigade is likely to toss me out to pasture! First place to last faster then the speed of light!
My games and bye week setting played well throughout the season though I was surprised to hold first as long as I had.

Nice work Kelse kapowski!
Only reason is that Herbert had 2 subpar weeks and the last meeting he only scored 23pts, Kyler Murray is expected 27 pts, I should have started RB Pollard, I didn’t see till it was to late that Elliot was out... bad move by me.
What a battle u guys are in for the title. Idk who I'm rooting for. Both scare me. Ha
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