Yahoo fantasy football

FYI - I experienced a problem with the Scheels g/c transaction. Wondered why the heck the sale was cancelled. Contacted my card company thinking maybe some fraud or ? was going on...
Card company assured me no issue on their end.
I just finished a call with Scheels who said they have new(er) strict privacy or security settings and it's been a bit challenging for them...

Long story short, if you're running into this issue, call Scheels and they will "un-cancel" the cancelled g/c's, have them authorized again and all is well.

Strange but guess this is the new norm?
Just sent the Gift card for both Sawtooth and Nice Rack. Matt, like this post if you received the $50 gift card or sad face if you didn't receive the card. It should be in your email within the hour according to the scheels website. See you all on friday at the draft.
If they haven't sent the gift certificate by tomorrow morning I will call them to find out what is going on. Don't know if to they are slower on Sundays or what.

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