XXX Pussy Pics


New member
Aug 14, 2001
(put that kleenex away ;) I managed to get out a couple of times this winter with my pussy chasin' fanatic - buddy. I got lucky - 2 fer 2... Here's the link to the photo gallery on his website:

Here are a couple of pics from the first one (it's a bit steamy in the cave) :eek: ...



[ 03-18-2004, 00:35: Message edited by: mtnboy ]
Those are some kick ass pics!!!! I would love to go in there after him, right behind the dog, with the camera in one hand and a fist full of 44mag in the other!! Now that, my friends, would be a RUSH!!!!!!!!!! 7.21
Awsum pics.

Man if that cat decided to come out swinging someone would have been hurting.

I remember that glare! Where was it? :confused: Oh Yeah, Looks a he77 of alot like my Ex!!

Ol' Blue there really earned a box of Milk Bones that trip!
Thanks for sharing the :cool: pics! That cat looks to be between a rock and a hot dog! Did you pop him inside the cave? What a rush that had to be. Talk about up close and personal! :D :D :D
Thanks guys....yeah, it was quite the butt clenching experience. :eek: As I crawled up the last 40 yards to the cliff, I could hear the roars, screams and yelps of the standoff. The dogs are used to cats way up in a tree, BUT looking eye-to-eye from your belly with a BIG cat is a memory I won't soon forget - and I know the dogs won't...

The leader of the pack got it pinned in the den, and stayed at the entrance. 20 minutes later when the other dogs got there, this crazy one jumped right on in there with the lion. At one point the cat had the dogs head in it's mouth, and luckily it's buddy jumped in and saved it. All the dogs were bleeding by the end and one almost lost an ear.
BIG HEART - they live for that chit!! (and they were almost all females!!!)

I felt a bit safe, with the dog in there, but my heart stopped for a few minutes, wondering how the cougar would react with each camera flash... If you ever get a chance to chase some pussy I would highly recommend it! They are AMAZING.

[ 02-25-2004, 20:28: Message edited by: mtnboy ]
I'm 31 and Married, My Pussy chasing days are over..But I would like to shoot one out of a tree one day. I just need to save my money.

And people use to say I was insane for running into burning houses when I was on the fire dept.
Great pics. I admire your courage.
SJ, I dont know if what he has was courage or stupidity, but I'll tell you one thing.

Mtnboy must have a big set of steel ones!

WTG and thanks for the scary but great pictures.
Congrats!! I know I couldn't have put up the pics if that was me. There would have been a REAL big brown spot where the seat is!!

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