PEAX Equipment

Wyoming: what did you choose?


New member
May 1, 2001
The Beach, Elevation 12' @ low tide
I am just Jonesing to go Elk hunting this fall. For the first time in 6 years I did not draw a tag in 06 so I sat on the sidelines. Put in for Wyoming and Utah already. Wyoming...78,113 & 24.

Anyone Else???

Cheers, Roadtrip
my lips are sealed...
Although I will admit my odds were so bad I opted to front the extra cash for the 'special' tag fee. Even then, the odss are pathetic.
I never pick a elk or deer unit that is more than 1 hour away from a strip club. Slim pickens for elk units that fit the bill:D
I'm opting for the point only this year. No sense in applying when you know your not gonna get drawn.

Buying my now expensive Moose point again this year too. That'll give me 4.
I'm just going to get a general elk tag. Theres lots of elk now because everyone thinks the wolves got them so they stay home. More elk for me :D

I have 10 moose points, trying to decide to cash them in or not....
area 1 is accross the hiway from my dads, i've never drawn it. one winter we had two bulls spend the winter on dads place. good luck, non res hunter might have better odds then locals.
cmiddleton, I know unit 1 is a tough draw but with the points, my group will draw eventually. You gave me some good info on the deer huntibg in that area this year and I aprreciated it. I'll pick your brain if/when we draw unit 1. good luck in your draws.
I went with the General.. I found out that the tag prices are being raise again for new year? If you have moose or Ram points I would be burning them this year...
Hornaddiction, I'd say your answer is a resounding "NO".

Well....Colorado can bask in their extra tags as long as they want. I won't be matter what they come up with. They doubled the price of their tags, tried to charge full price for cows...then lowered them. Came up with a rediculous season arrangment and didn't listen when we (I took 5 people to colorado on my first hunt) said we wouldn't come back. They run off out of state hunters and I'll be damned if I'll spend another nickel in that state. As far as I'm concerned...they can give residents 5 or 10 tags.....but then...where is the DOW going to get their $$ from? I'm laughing...because so many of us said this would happen. Why pay 500 for hunting 4 by 4's and raghorns? Then they tried to push out of staters out of the ranching for wildlife program after many had spent years building points. See what happens when a bunch of idiots from California move to Colorado? (Joke)....seriously....I'll get off my soapbox and laugh while they figure out how to get the elk off of their golf courses.


Just elk and moose points for me this year. I am hoping for an AZ elk bow tag this year (10 BP's) and feel I have pleanty of time to draw out for elk and moose in WY.

As far as the prices going up, I am done getting upset over it because most states are trying their best to screw non-residents. That includes my home state of ND. We only give out one percent of our deer rifle tags to non-residents. One percent, that is ridiculous!! If I was willing to shell out $1,200 for a WY moose tag, I will pay $1,400. I am in far enough now that I think it would be foolish to get out. I lump WY in the same category as AZ, in that once I draw out I will not give them another red cent. Both states have me by the short an' curlies now, but I won't be foolish enough to try again.

With that, I hope you all get at least a few of the quality tags you put in for this year. Schmalts in particular! For some reason, I am really hoping you get your Utah elk tag. Good Luck!
Horn....I might be coming back to Colorado this fall. I have a lady at church wanting me to take her grandson on a hunt for his graduation present. He doesn't do the smokepole thing so I would be putting in for 1st rifle and doing some sort of roadless / wilderness back country pack in or drop camp deal. Got any good ideas ??? Not really concerned about shooting one myself but would like to put him on a bull. I'm putting in for all my good tags in NM, WY, UT, ID and perhaps MT. What about you? Whats on your agenda?

Oak.....Sometimes we all get a little pissed once in a while. It is my last choice tho. ;)
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