wyoming unit 34 mule deer


Jul 4, 2013
Earlville, Iowa
thinking about using up the points and putting in for a Wyoming 34 deer tag. kind of a last minute decision here as my other plans fell through. was hoping to possibily find some private land with a trespass fee but not much luck in locating land owner names/numbers. If anyone has any contacts in the area or possibily willing to give me a general idea on public to start researching( North, south, west), would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!!
Having hunted near unit 34 every year since 1999 I will say that it's a good unit to shoot a respectable buck if a person has the time to cover territory. However, IMHO it's way overrated as far as the high number of points it now takes to hunt the unit. If I had the number of points it takes to draw unit 34, I'd be applying for Region G and go where there is a much better chance of shooting not only a good buck, but a great buck.
You should be able to shoot a good buck in 34 without needing to access private. Lots of people seem to focus on the nw part of the unit where it becomes more mountainous, but I’ve more than once seen surprisingly big bucks crossing the road in the dark or bumped them out of the flat sage terrain when chasing antelope in that unit.

Lots of deer, pretty good access, and not many deer hunters. The hunt should be better than stubbing your toe.
that's good to hear. appreciate the advice! any general recommendation of area to start looking into? or where the higher deer densities may be? Thanks again!
I’ve seen deer in about every corner of the unit. The Casper Game and Fish biologist could speak better to densities than I can. Finding deer is not an issue at all there. It will take some shopping to find the toads.
I got your PM shooter25 and understand your reasoning on not hunting Region G. I do agree with both posts made by madtom if you draw unit 34 and hope you shoot a good one. I would add that wherever you go in the unit try to find a high spot and glass the heck out of the area when it gets light. Also, find a good spot at least an hour or two before dark and glass until shooting hours are over. If you can't hunt the entire season, I highly recommend that you hunt as late in October as you can, as that is when the big boys are more likely to be seen at first and last light when they start getting into rut mode. It's amazing the difference the last few days of October are compared to the first week of the season as far as what we see.
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I got your PM shooter25 and understand your reasoning on not hunting Region G. I do agree with both posts made by madtom if you draw unit 34 and hope you shoot a good one. I would add that wherever you go in the unit try to find a high spot and glass the heck out of the area when it gets light. Also, find a good spot at least an hour or two before dark and glass until shooting hours are over. If you can't hunt the entire season, I highly recommend that you hunt as late in October as you can, as that is when the big boys are more likely to be seen at first and last light when they start getting into rut mode. It's amazing the difference the last few days of October are compared to the first week of the season as far as what we see.

Top gun is spot on about hunting as late as possible in October. I saw the same thing in 2016. If all else put in for doe antelope tags and hunt by yourself the end of the season and scout for deer without burning your points and going in blind.
I have been hunting Wyoming since 1990-1991, there are good bucks in the area if you spend the time looking. later is better if you have limited time, but spend some time early behind the glass and you might be surprised by what you find. good luck, regardless you will have a good time
planning to hunt late if we get lucky in the draw. sounds like great advice! Thank you everyone. spoke with the biologist and she said the same as I am hearing here, that there is plenty of public to go around. Thanks again
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I've antelope hunted the area a few times but never seen much for deer, especially bucks. I personally wouldn't waist the points to hunt it when a guy could hunt Region G or other LQ areas in the western part of the state..
I applied just for the point and I drew it again. Screwed up my elk hunting plans in Co but I’ll give it hell. I also have 2 doe antelope tags. Planning on hunting the entire season if needed
I will be there last 5 days of the hunt......Hope to glass up the big one. I have friend in Casper who knows it well......Good luck to all............BOB!

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