Wyoming Sucks !!

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Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So, IDBugler talks me into putting in for Wyoming Elk. I think, No big deal, It's a Unit that takes about 20 years to Draw. I'll get my money back an dmove on. So we put in, And I wanted to draw a little because it's fun hunting with IDB but know $531 is alot of coins.... So the results come out..

Yep, Friggin NADA !!!

So I'm like, Cool, I have to put in for alot of other draws and I could really use the $531 this time. So I'm waiting for the Refund.... Waiting ... waiting...

Now today I get a letter. Those Bastages decided to KEEP my money. Yah, The nerve of Wyoming.... They said :

Enclosed is your Wy 2007 Wyoming Nonresident Elk License. During the Draw audit we found a small rounding issue which casued your lisence to not be issued durring the draw process. Subsequently, we have correced the problem and issued your license. We hope this has not caused you any problems and that you have a good hunt this year.

Thats BS !!! "ROUNDING" issue, Now I have to get this tag thats for one of Wyomings Best units because they made a little mistake >?!?!?! I bet they jsut wanted my Money...

I call IDBugler and he runs out to his MAilbox and gets the Same Dam Letter !!!

Please Advise !!!! Should I call and Complain and wait anther 20 years to put in ? Or should I just go this year and be quiet ????

Any Advice will help !!!!!
Ya friggin lucky bastage. Yeah call up and complain and tell them you want your money back and to give the tag to somebody who appreciates what they have put in for. Man you better stay out the sun for awhile I think that Hawaii vacation cooked your brain..;) :D some guys have all the fun:cool:
All I have to say is I see another Moosie and IdahoBugler adventure in the making. I'm so freaking pumped right now I can't stand it.

I also checked the odds of drawing that tag lets just say that it was a little harder odds then you even stated. Bow or Rifle????????
Congratulations, guys. Spill the beans on the unit (PM if you must). That happened to me once, but it was for a lousy cow tag. :rolleyes:
Nice work lickbag. Best of luck. With IB along, you should be able to find a decent bull.;)
What a bummer !
Tell those gready turds that a real state like Idaho or Montana wouldn't just go passing out LE elk tags like parking tickets !
I'm still waiting on the refund !
The guy that put in with me got the same response when he called them yesterday to ask about his refund. "Rounding Issue". I wonder how many tags were given out the second time around? His makes the 3rd out of state tag on my migration hunt and that must be it...if they only gave 25 tags out total.

Glad to see you drew Moosie...I plan on driving the barmaids in Jackson crazy as hell and working them hard.

Cheers, Roadtrip
What unit did you draw?

ahhhh It's not that good of a Unit. As far as telling the Exact Number I can't count past 1 so I wouldn't be able to tell ya.

If we get there, and there are little bulls, and it sucks Well let you know what it was. Untill then, It's jsut a Wyoming Elk tag ;)
Congrats, I think? Bow or a rifle tag? Good luck guys, if it truly is a 20 year tag I'm thinking something beyond a trophy spike should be sought. Maybe something with several spikes attached per beam?
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