PEAX Equipment

Wyoming Ruffies chakars and Huns questions


Aug 24, 2021
I'm starting to plan my next upland trip to Wyoming. I trying to complete a wyoming slam of sorts, I've been on a successful sage grouse and sharpie hunt. This I'm wanting to target blues, ruffies chakars and huns. I gotten some advice on ruffie and blue habitat in the wind river range but in struggling to find any good info on chakar and huns. The only thing I've heard is "chakar are in rocks" I've seen rocky terrain and been on a few very short hunts in sweetwater river area east of Lander for chakar to no avail. I am on the right track looking for chakar? Any advice would be appreciated on any of these birds!!!!
How's your Wyoming chukar hunt go?! I'm building a place in SC Wyoming and live in Northern Colorado. I've gotten into a few coveys of huns down by me.....
It went good. We found them more in northwestish area. It was a good time. We also spent just one day hunting them, we did a larger multi species trip.
It wasn't really meant to be a slam more running around wyoming because of weather