Wyoming Region H Winterkill

Curious what you decided. I just walked away from my H tag. We hiked in 7 miles and saw a handful a doe and maybe 5 bucks. I can’t believe how bad it was. I can’t justify burning more leave for this hunt. We saw more smaller (2 year) olds type bucks than anything too. It looks like between 70-80% of the deer didn’t make it. Based on our experience. This was defiantly the case. Assuming that is the case and the best case scenario for recovery is a 20% increase we are looking at a minimum of 7(70%) years to 13(80%) to recover back to last years level, which was already considered pretty low. That also assumed optimal conditions. Pretty scary outlook for the Wyoming range deer herd. That doesn’t include the fact that they are expecting an extremely low survival rate for the fawns born this year too because the does were so stressed. I’m just kind of venting here. I love the Wyoming range, but it may not even be decent again in my lifetime.
It will be fine. This happens every so often…take a couple deep breaths.