Caribou Gear Tarp

Wyoming Recommendations


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014
New Zealand
Late September I’m heading to WY for 3 weeks to hunt elk with a western general tag and have all my plans in place for this hunt.

But now I have picked up a cow elk tag and deer tag from the leftovers. They won’t be the greatest tags but we would prefer to explore new country with a tags and hopefully we get lucky and come across the target species. If anyone has recommendations on things to do, accommodation or places to eat / drink I’d appreciate any advice. I’ll looking at Ten Sleep for the cow tag and Wheatland for the deer tag. I’ll be doing a heap of online research but local knowledge is obviously so much better.

Thanks in advance.

Happy to help if you have any questions on hunting New Zealand.
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Not knowing what west unit your hunting I will give you a few things for bighorn basin:
- Wyoming Wiskey, never taken a tour but it's close to tensleep.
-Cody, Buffalo Bill Center of West(a must stop at). Cody Craft Brewing and wyo dough pizza, check out the Irma for a drink.
-Thermopolis , hit the hot springs. The One Eyed Buffalo for food.
-Meeteetse, if weather has been perfect drive up to Kirwin. Elkhorn for lunch, flatiron sandwich is awesome.

When in doubt dam near every town in Wyoming has either a Elkhorn or Silver Dollar and they are usually good place to stop for a few.
Ten Sleep is TINY, but right on the western edge of the bighorns. Head up route 16 and take any side road to look for elk. Thermopolis is about an hour west of ten sleep and hit springs are nice.
I've enjoyed starting my trips in Rapid City, seeing the city itself, the Black Hills, Mt. Rushmore, and Custer SP. Then out through Gilette and Buffalo to the Bighorns. Go up and over the mountains and then down into Ten Sleep, a couple Speed Goats at the brewery is a must. From there out to Worland and fish my way up the Big Horn River to the hot springs in Thermopolis. Then up and out past the black footed ferrets in Meteetsee towards Cody. From there its a hop, skip, and jump to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.
SLC, arrive Sept 27 and fly out Oct 17. At this stage the plan is to hunt bull elk first then the cow and deer tags.
Well I can’t do much for help other than moral support
TenSleep brewery comes highly recommended. They have opened up camping/RV parking on their property, which is used in the summer by the hordes of climber/adventurers that come to the canyons to the east. Groceries are limited in TenSleep, Worland would be your nearest full service stores for food. There is one gas station in TenSleep, I think pay at the pump is 24 hour availability since 2022.

I presume that you have OnX or GOHUNT GPS mapping. Don’t fall for the SNS Outfitters (hunt district 4-T-ate) deceiving signs at property boundaries (public/private junctions).

Bentonite (grey colored clay) road surfaces will turn ice skating slick if wet and rut up deep if you attempt to travel them in the low spots where water accumulates.

Learn about WIA and HMA opportunities in your respective hunting zones. Note that some lands are species restricted (you might have access via lottery or simply applying, but there is a restriction to hunt deer only, and not elk, birds, fish, etc).

I would caution you from spreading yourself too thin. If you limit yourself to x number of days for your main objective, the tail is wagging the dog.
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TenSleep brewery comes highly recommended. They have opened up camping/RV parking on their property, which is used in the summer by the hordes of climber/adventurers that come to the canyons to the east. Groceries are limited in TenSleep, Worland would be your nearest full service stores for food. There is one gas station in TenSleep, I think pay at the pump is 24 hour availability since 2022.

I presume that you have OnX or GOHUNT GPS mapping. Don’t fall for the SNS Outfitters (hunt district 4-T-ate) deceiving signs at property boundaries (public/private junctions).

Bentonite (grey colored clay) road surfaces will turn ice skating slick if wet and rut up deep if you attempt to travel them in the low spots where water accumulates.

Learn about WIA and HMA opportunities in your respective hunting zones. Note that some lands are species restricted (you might have access via lottery or simply applying, but there is a restriction to hunt deer only, and not elk, birds, fish, etc).

I would caution you from spreading yourself too thin. If you limit yourself to x number of days for your main objective, the tail is wagging the dog.
Thanks for the detailed info. And I take your point about spreading my time too thin.
Not knowing what west unit your hunting I will give you a few things for bighorn basin:
- Wyoming Wiskey, never taken a tour but it's close to tensleep.
-Cody, Buffalo Bill Center of West(a must stop at). Cody Craft Brewing and wyo dough pizza, check out the Irma for a drink.
-Thermopolis , hit the hot springs. The One Eyed Buffalo for food.
-Meeteetse, if weather has been perfect drive up to Kirwin. Elkhorn for lunch, flatiron sandwich is awesome.

When in doubt dam near every town in Wyoming has either a Elkhorn or Silver Dollar and they are usually good place to stop for a few.
Great info, thanks for taking the time.
Thanks everyone for their replies. I’m enjoying the research on the new areas. I’ve hunted WY 4 times but haven’t been to the Bighorns or south eastern WY. A big part of my hunting is checking out new areas in the great state of WY.
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If you have time. Medicine Lodge state park has a really impressive set of petroglyphs, if that's the type of thing you are into.