Yeti GOBOX Collection

Wyoming Predation Hunt


New member
Apr 28, 2001
Did anyone hunt the preadtion cow elk hunt outside of Jackson Hole last season??? If so howed y'all do, and how was the weather??

Had a couple friends hunt it and they said there was lack of snow making it a harder hunt.
Hopefully either this year or next I'll make it back there for that hunt, it was blast last time. All I need to cash, a couple people ot hunt with...its not very fun to do it by yourself...and to get into shape for the terrain and the packing out of elk. :D:D:D And maybe the weather will be like a few years back.
Quick Draw
There was very little movement duringf the predation hunt. The lack of snow made it so the elk had no reason to move or migrate. The majority of the migration was taking place during the overnight. I went out a lot but didn't fare too well. I did shoot a wounded calf and then some yahoo from California turned around and shot it also so he got to claim it. And that was fine because when we went up to it, the calf had about 8 holes in it and the ass end was all shot up. This yahoo was shooting at a cow and it went down, then turned and shot the calf. He said he thought maybe it was the elk that he shot at, some 200 yards farther to the east south east of him and about half the size. It cost him $75.00 to have it hauled out for him and then the processing at 72 cents a pound, he probably ended up with about 40 pounds of meat. Well he deserved it. I found out later that he did actually take the cow down and G&F allowed another hunter to tag it. I had the opportunity to take several decent bulls, but my tag was for cow/calf only. I saw 4 wolves come up out of the river bottom and onto the upper bench on the west side of the river. So, this is the first year I got an elk, but didn't get one. ;)
Hey Bill how late into the year does the Predation hunt run?Im thinking about doing it this next season just depends on the season dates.
Season is from mid October through December 5. That is what it has been in the past. It may vary a little come elk season 2005 though.
Boman, they are $252.00 for a non-res. They are over the counter, first come first serve. You can send in an app for them also and get it that way.
Great Thanks Elkhunter. I just need to figure out if those dates work. I usually have some type of late cow hunt in Colorado at some point too so I just have to plan to make this a hunt. I'd like to though
The area Hunterman is referring to is area #79, Grand Teton Natioal Park. It start on October 20th and usually runs till December 5th.