
Wyoming mule deer


New member
Jul 19, 2012
just wanted to get your opinions. I have 5 points this year for mule deer I would like to hunt in 2019 what unit is the best for trophy deer that I would have a shot at drawing for DIY hunt or should I build more points
Depends what type of hunt you want. If you want a backpack hunt, It would be Region G hands down in my opinion. If you want a different type of hunt (car or hotel camp), then there are probably better areas.
WY has point creep and because of recent price increases there are a lot of applicants this year that were content to not actively apply for hunts but merely would buy yet another preference point. The non-resident elk draw was just completed and point creep accelerated in several units.

You can always beat 1 in 100 type odds and pull a tag in the better WY deer units in the random tags which are 25% of the Regular non-resident draw and 25% of the non-resident Special (higher price but same tag as in the Regular draw). 60% of the tags are awarded in the Regular and 40% in the Special.

Now, here is your challenge at going for the random draw as a way to pull one of the best tags in WY for deer...several units award 0 tags in the random draw. Look at Unit 119 Type 1 tag. Most hunters would say that is a good deer unit though might be a dozen better. 119-1 offers 50 tags in a recent year but not all go to non-residents obviously. in 2016, zero tags were awarded to non-residents in the random portion of both the Special and Regular draw.

So, you can build points for another 10 to 30 years if are going for a very good unit that offers 50 or less tags. WY is the new CO so a tag in a top unit is going to be a once or twice a lifetime thing now

I prefer to hunt often so my course of action would be to look for a good, not great, deer unit and go hunting. Waiting 20 years for a tag puts a lot of pressure on a hunter and so many things can happen such as a bad winter kill in late spring, forest fires, federal land shutdown, low moisture during antler development, unfavorable weather during the hunt, health crisis for hunter of family member, etc. WY has general areas some might say offer as good a hunt as the better limited entry units.

Wilderness in WY has restrictions for non-resident hunters so that is a consideration as well if want to DIY.

Here is a link to a recap of WY deer units then you can cross reference to WY draw reports. Or can pay around $150 for Epic or Huntin' Fool to see their opinions of deer units in WY.

Good luck with your strategy on on your hunts.

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