wyoming mule deer


Jun 9, 2011
Kingsport Tn
So I was considering buying a mule deer point and doing so for a few years but just wondering is there a other states that would be better mule deer hunting?
That is a good place to start but you have a lot of other state you can build points also. Colorado, utah nevada, etc etc. Get your points, then put in for a good unit. Good luck!
I'm beginning to think that it would be better to build PPs in CO than WY because of the way they manage smaller units similar to the way WY does their antelope.
Is there a link like the wyoming website has that shows what the cost of points are for each animal and the times in which you can purchase them I cant find it if there is one.
Ok thanks is there somewhere I can register to buy the points online during the time they are available and somewhere that tells diferent prices for the animals for colorado thanks
After the beginning of the year you have till April to buy your point online on the DOW websight. You'll pay for it when you do it, but then it'll get refunded around late June. One nice thing is that you can apply for a point as your first choice for a license and still try for a tag with your next 3 choices. Also, you can apply for a license with all 4 choices and then gain the point if you don't draw your first choice.
In Co. you have to front the tag fees for a point and get your money back in June.With Wy.,you buy points,deer is $40,online in Sept.You can also apply with point in Wy. if you want to try and draw this year.If your 1st choice isn't drawn,then you get a point
I would buy points in both states,and do.So far, it doesn't take alot of points to draw some great deer hunts in Wy.Co. will take alot longer to draw for premium hunts unless you want to use a bow.
CO and WY are relatively inexpensive to gain points in and there are some decent hunts for a few points. I would buy an antelope point in WY as well that way you could do a combo hunt at the same time. AZ and NV you have to buy an expensive license to get a point and the drawing odds are tougher IMO.
John is right on the button with that comment as I've hunted Wyoming for deer every year on a leftover license and I could do antelope the same way. I'm really beginning to wonder why I'm even buying PPs for deer!
Well cant you put in for the draw and as your first choice put in for a unit you have very slim chance of drawing and then put in for a unit I would have a chance at drawing as second choice and if I draw second choice dont I still get a point?
Thats exactly how its done.topgun, I think you know why your banking points.There are some real good deer areas in the draw if you want to hunt hard,and bank points 1st.I'll be putting in for one of those this year,and checking it out for a future elk hunt.I think almost 1/2 the regional deer tags have left overs every year.Good way to learn and bank points.And, get a deer or two under your belt before heading into a trophy area
Ok one other thing when applying for the draw is there 2 choices or 3 for units? can you still get a point if you put to draw for your second or third choice?
You can list up to 3 choices and if the first one isn't drawn and you get one of the other two you keep all your PPs. And yes, I was strectching it a little bit when I said I wonder why I'm buying PPs. I know exactly why I'm doing it and where they will go, LOL!
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Defintely Colorado like others have said - but heck put in for points in both states both!!! You cant plan far enough ahead when in come to preference points. Keep putting in now and you'll have a good problem on your hands trying to decide where you want to go!!