Wyoming mule deer


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Yesterday, my buddy Doug and I decided to make one last stab at mule deer and antelope. Doug started the day right bagging a nice 14 6/8" antelope about 7:30 a.m.

We then packed into an area we'd seen some really good bucks and set up the tent. We had about 3 hours before dark and started seeing deer includign a buck in the 160ish range, a really good one.

We kept looking and about a 1/2 before dark we located a buck that was undoubtedly a shooter. Doug took one look and said, "we have to go, RIGHT NOW!". We loaded up our spotting scopes and took off as fast as we could. We made about 3/4-1 mile in 17 minutes down some stuff that was not made to be run on, we're lucky one of us didnt break a leg or ankle. We then headed up a thick timbered bottom and came out below the buck. I settled down as best I could, knowing 2 things: 1. I was shooting at big buck and 2. It was going to be my last chance for the year at a big buck.

I took a shot and the buck hit the ground and never moved. I was one happy hunter when Doug and I got to that buck. Without Doug's help I dont know if I would have gotten that buck, I couldnt ask for a better hunting partner or friend. We took pictures, boned the meat and finally got it packed back to the tent at 12:30 a.m. ready for some rest. Hiked out today, and I still cant believe I took this buck. We taped him today and its 184 7/8 gross, will net around 178, not that it makes a damn bit of difference. Its a classy buck and I couldnt ask for a better typical mule deer.

I couldnt ask for a better hunting partner or friend.
Well ya could... but you'd be a Prick in doing so... ;)

Kudos on a Fine and Dandy BUCK !!!!!! Way to wait till the bottom of the 9th
Congrats buzz! Thats a heck of a muley! Its also nice to see someone smiling in their kill pics too.
Smiling and tired .
(walking is for people who can't afford an ATV , or want to kill a big buck)

Buzz , nice buck , fair chased , now that's huntin !!!
Man, that buck gets bigger the more I look at him. Congrats again! Now go kill an elk. ;)

Well said Buzz (And great buck too by the way) I just spent the last of my season, though unsuccessful, with a huntin' bud of 29 years and we had a great time as well even without cappin' a critter
Man, Thats a great buck! I also liked the story. Sounds like you got a good hunt'n buddy..congrats. (did i miss the lope pics?)
That is a heck of a buck Buzz, way to go. I love to hear stories about packing in, sleeping in tents and hauling out big bucks on frame packs.

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