Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Wyoming M/S/G/B 2022

I knew deep down in my soul, this was the year!

Another year of reading other successful applicant posts. Good luck to everyone who drew, hopefully the antelope tags go better than the moose I was supposed to draw...
I knew deep down in my soul, this was the year!

Another year of reading other successful applicant posts. Good luck to everyone who drew, hopefully the antelope tags go better than the moose I was supposed to draw...
26 points and bubkis. Good luck on the little three and hang tough til next year.
Anyone else get their refunds yet? I am expecting over $15k and still haven't seen anything yet.
Mine just posted. It was odd they show that they posted on May 4th, but as of yesterday they were not showing up. With it being $15,421 of refunds that was pretty much my entire balance.

I thought Chris used one of these. Slow, but got it done just before the bull stepped over the line. It was close though.
I was close enough but let me tell you, you would of needed the XXXL version cause that boy had a set! Think small wooly pillowcase holding two softballs... That spot was pretty tight quarters! Glad i had the 375 as i was close enough to give him powder burns i wanted some stopping power in case it got sporty. About to head into a area near that same spot for a few hours of shed hunting and looking for bears with a buddy in from Oklahoma before head to idaho tomorrow.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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