Yeti GOBOX Collection

Wyoming Leftovers


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2008
Crazy, CO
Anybody else pick up a leftover wyoming antelope tag? Picked up a 63-2 tag for my father in law. This will be his first antelope hunt and I'm going to take my 4yr old son. Its going to be interesting. Now if Cushman will just tell me where to go we can get rolling. ;)
Yep. Got mine this morning. I wanted 63-2 but they were all gone by 8:02! I got 113-2. May pick up a couple doe tags to next week.
I also picked up a tag in unit 63-2, have not hunted that unit before but have hunted all around it. Summit, do you plan on hunting opening day or waiting a few weeks?
I tried to get a white tail tag for my area, but had to be at work at 7 so no second tag for me.
justdada- planning on driving up the evening of Sep 27th and hunting the 28th and 29th. Might go over to the mile and do a little fishing if we tag out early. When are you planning on going? Where at in Colorado are you?
How does the system work if all the 63-2 permits were gone in 30 or 12 secs? It takes longer than that to type your credit card info.
I got my leftover today and Cushman is going to show me where they all hang out.... :)
nonresident vs resident??

Does anyone know if they allotted a certain amount of tags just for residents? Or do they allocate certain numbers for phone vs internet purchases?? I know I missed out on the 63-2 tag as a nonresident and I believe I was in there in the first 15 seconds. My buddy in Wyoming got one and I think he was a minute or two late.

I did snag a bull tag though. Thank goodness for OTC tags or wouldn't be hunting much this year.
Anybody else pick up a leftover wyoming antelope tag? Picked up a 63-2 tag for my father in law. This will be his first antelope hunt and I'm going to take my 4yr old son. Its going to be interesting. Now if Cushman will just tell me where to go we can get rolling. ;)

Go to the pizza barn in Newcastle :D
Does anyone know if they allotted a certain amount of tags just for residents? Or do they allocate certain numbers for phone vs internet purchases?? I know I missed out on the 63-2 tag as a nonresident and I believe I was in there in the first 15 seconds. My buddy in Wyoming got one and I think he was a minute or two late.

I did snag a bull tag though. Thank goodness for OTC tags or wouldn't be hunting much this year.

When you start the purchase process the system puts the tags you request on hold. If you don't complete the process for what ever reason the tags go back on the list. I know this because last year I was trying to use my debt card to buy tags and kept getting the transaction refused. Who knew there was a daily limit on debit cards:eek:

I looked at the list about 9:30 central time and there were 4 tags for 63-2, started to grab one but I thought about it too long!

yoterstalker---They don't allocate tags to any segment of the population or to the way they handle them. It's a first come deal (freforall, if you will) and if there were enough people online and logged into their accounts at 8AM, which it sounds like there was, as soon as those people picked that tag it was just like the post above here stated. It reserved those tags for so many minutes and took them off the list for sale. If for some reason the person doesn't complete the transaction, the tags then go back on the list for sale. It sounds like that's what happened to a few people who kept trying yesterday morning and got one of those tags that went back into the system even though it appeared they immediately sold out like Eli mentioned.

Well, I am glad I called the DNR office the day before. They recommended to be logged in and ready to go at 8:00, and so I picked up a 63-2 tag. The whole purchase was done by 8:01.30. I was still checking my bank account today to make sure it went through - for sure!

I had 3 points this year, and I put in for the special pronghorn draw - and thought for sure I had it locked up - but didn't draw a tag.

I got my refund, and ended up paying less.

Any information on the unit would be helpful - if someone has hunted or scouted it. The season is long - and from what I have read, it doesn't seem like hunting pressure will be much of a problem.

I hunted 24 for Elk in the Green Mountain two years ago, and really enjoyed it. I hope the Pronghorn hunt will be as fun as well.
How hard is access to public land in 63-2. I am planning on a diy to wyoming with my boys next fall and was wondering if we cou;ld get a tag there if I could find a place easily to take them hunting for their first Wy antelope hunt. My wife and Ihunted near Buffalo last year and tags were easy but access was tough unless you had a outfitter. Any help thanks.
Terry Coydog---There is a lot of public land on the west side of the unit and less on the east side, but there is still plenty of huntable land there too. The G&F is trying to bring the goat numbers down in that unit and allocated tags accordingly to each side of the unit this year to try to do that over on the east side by making 200 tags only good for east of the main raod that runds down thorugh there. They did the same with a bunch of doe tags.
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