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Wyoming - flying aircraft over private to access public land


New member
Aug 18, 2019
Sheridan Wy
Well, how many acres of public land are "landlocked" in Wyoming? it's millions, I think. Many savvy hunters have actually (with their own aircraft, or hire) flown over the private ground to land on and hunt this public land.

There used to be a 24hr law in effect - you had to wait one full day after flying before you could hunt. No problem, I'll set up camp and do some scoping.

Now, thanks to pressure from your friends at the WYOGA, all aircraft usage related to hunting is now banned after August 1st of each year.

I have a CH 701 STOL (short takeoff and landing) plane. I only need about 70-100' of half-decent dirt to land/takeoff from. There weren't too many places that ole' 701 couldn't get me to. With this new law, I'm grounded and these 1,000,000+ acres of public ground once again remain landlocked and inaccessible.

I'd like to say "thanks, Obama"....but all the thanks goes to the WYOGA and their bitches, the folks at Wyoming G & F
Do you know why they pushed for this? Was it because they are thinking people harass the wildlife by flying low over them to herd them to public or something?
I'm glad there's no more legal aerial recon of big bulls around Cody for the commissioner tag holders. I know numerous outfitters that were upset about the scouting rules. You telling me is illegal to fly in and hunt a landlocked piece? Reads the law" "Nothing in this Section shall apply to the operation of an aircraft in a usual manner where there is no attempt or intent to locate any game animal, such as aircraft used for the sole purpose of passenger transport."
Well, how many acres of public land are "landlocked" in Wyoming? it's millions, I think. Many savvy hunters have actually (with their own aircraft, or hire) flown over the private ground to land on and hunt this public land.

There used to be a 24hr law in effect - you had to wait one full day after flying before you could hunt. No problem, I'll set up camp and do some scoping.

Now, thanks to pressure from your friends at the WYOGA, all aircraft usage related to hunting is now banned after August 1st of each year.

I have a CH 701 STOL (short takeoff and landing) plane. I only need about 70-100' of half-decent dirt to land/takeoff from. There weren't too many places that ole' 701 couldn't get me to. With this new law, I'm grounded and these 1,000,000+ acres of public ground once again remain landlocked and inaccessible.

I'd like to say "thanks, Obama"....but all the thanks goes to the WYOGA and their bitches, the folks at Wyoming G & F
Montana has the 24 hour rule as well, however you can still fly in and hunt the next day. Again it seems you have an issue with what is probably a legislative decision but are intent on bashing, disrespecting, and blaming the parties which you apparently hate for some unknown reason, but really aren't responsible for your vile attitude ... you are! "thanks, Obama" .... really?!!!
Minor correction but MT has a same day airborne rule not a 24 hour restriction. You can legally fly in the evening to locate game and hunt the next morning. This is not very restrictive at all.
I'm all for prohibitions on aerial scouting/herding/harassing...but as noted above, it does not appear Wyoming's law prohibits transporting a hunter to landlocked public land (as long as the public lands have no prohibitions on such activity)...but I have no information beyond what is posted in this thread.
Well, how many acres of public land are "landlocked" in Wyoming? it's millions, I think. Many savvy hunters have actually (with their own aircraft, or hire) flown over the private ground to land on and hunt this public land.

There used to be a 24hr law in effect - you had to wait one full day after flying before you could hunt. No problem, I'll set up camp and do some scoping.

Now, thanks to pressure from your friends at the WYOGA, all aircraft usage related to hunting is now banned after August 1st of each year.

I have a CH 701 STOL (short takeoff and landing) plane. I only need about 70-100' of half-decent dirt to land/takeoff from. There weren't too many places that ole' 701 couldn't get me to. With this new law, I'm grounded and these 1,000,000+ acres of public ground once again remain landlocked and inaccessible.

I'd like to say "thanks, Obama"....but all the thanks goes to the WYOGA and their bitches, the folks at Wyoming G & F

Still perfectly legal to fly into landlocked public. Just can't fly to locate game.
From the current Wyoming G&F Regs: No person shall use any aircraft with the intent to spot, locate and aid in the taking of any game animal from August 1 through January 31 of the following calendar year. Nothing in this Section shall apply to the operation of an aircraft in a usual manner where there is no attempt or intent to locate any game animal, such as aircraft used for the sole purpose of passenger transport.

It should also be noted that the term “aircraft” means any machine or device capable of atmospheric flight. This includes but is not limited to an airplane, helicopter, glider, dirigible or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV or drone).

I made a phone call to Cheyenne for clarification and was told that "the taking" = "hunting" dice on flying in. No 24 hour rule nuttin' Heck, I can' even use my 1/10th scale model of the Hindenburg.

For ya'll worried about the selling off of public lands....the real battle is going to be ACCESSING public lands. Wyoming G&F is currently trying to manhandle all the legally accessible State & BLM land that falls within a HMA. You can sit in your cubicle and pound out witty remarks on the internet or you can get pissed and make phone calls and attend meetings.
From the current Wyoming G&F Regs: No person shall use any aircraft with the intent to spot, locate and aid in the taking of any game animal from August 1 through January 31 of the following calendar year. Nothing in this Section shall apply to the operation of an aircraft in a usual manner where there is no attempt or intent to locate any game animal, such as aircraft used for the sole purpose of passenger transport.

It should also be noted that the term “aircraft” means any machine or device capable of atmospheric flight. This includes but is not limited to an airplane, helicopter, glider, dirigible or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV or drone).

I made a phone call to Cheyenne for clarification and was told that "the taking" = "hunting" dice on flying in. No 24 hour rule nuttin' Heck, I can' even use my 1/10th scale model of the Hindenburg.

For ya'll worried about the selling off of public lands....the real battle is going to be ACCESSING public lands. Wyoming G&F is currently trying to manhandle all the legally accessible State & BLM land that falls within a HMA. You can sit in your cubicle and pound out witty remarks on the internet or you can get pissed and make phone calls and attend meetings.

It's almost like you didn't actually read the responses posted here. . .
It's almost like you didn't actually read the responses posted here. . .
What are you talking about? I'm the only one who has listed factual information (plus made the phone call) regarding WYOMING's fly-in/hunt law

Did you read the responses or just gloss on down the thread?
I believe there are some reading comprehension issues at work here.
I'm glad there's no more legal aerial recon of big bulls around Cody for the commissioner tag holders. I know numerous outfitters that were upset about the scouting rules. You telling me is illegal to fly in and hunt a landlocked piece? Reads the law" "Nothing in this Section shall apply to the operation of an aircraft in a usual manner where there is no attempt or intent to locate any game animal, such as aircraft used for the sole purpose of passenger transport."

Greenhorn, tell us more of those comm. tag scouting flights...I heard the same stories. from local lore, I heard that one of those high bidding big shots actually had the piper cub pilot fly around Carter Mountain, they spotted a huge bull, landed the plane on that all but abandoned strip up on the south ridge and the big shot killed a 429 incher. All within an hours time

Also, you didn't list the entire Regs...
BAsed on the wording of that statute, I think you'd be ok, regardless of wha G&F said or didn't.

It says you can't use an airplane to locate and aid.

If it said locate or aid, then you'd be in trouble if you were using your plane to take an animal.

Take your plane in & fight the man. We'll donate to your gofundme account.
I believe there are some reading comprehension issues at work here.
Correct observation.
"No person shall use any aircraft with the intent to spot, locate and aid in the taking of any game animal from August 1 through January 31 of the following calendar year."
No dice on spotting, locating, taking game with an aircraft.

"Nothing in this Section shall apply to the operation of an aircraft in a usual manner where there is no attempt or intent to locate any game animal, such as aircraft used for the sole purpose of passenger transport. "
Nothing applies to using the aircraft for sole purpose of passenger transport to a landlocked piece of public land or anywhere else.

I think the Cheyenne Wyo G&F has "caller ID" and recognized a known hater of the agency so made a point of "NO DICE to your CH 701 STOL" with the intent of offering no help in your hunting of Wyoming game animals held in trust by the WYO G&F on behalf of the good citizens of the wonderful State of Wyoming.
BAsed on the wording of that statute, I think you'd be ok, regardless of wha G&F said or didn't.

It says you can't use an airplane to locate and aid.

If it said locate or aid, then you'd be in trouble.

Take your plane in & fight the man. We'll donate to your gofundme account.
did you even read the entire statute? you obviously didn't. Did you call Cheyenne? I'd love to be wrong on this (and have you be right)...their G&F legal/eagle "Kenton" sez no....

Ben Lamb, Ben Lamb, Ben Lamb....hmm, are you the same Ben Lamb of the WWF that got ran out of town? Lander? If so, what are you up to these days?
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Mr. Real Deal. Sorry you can no longer scout with your plane. I'm truly sad for you.

Don't know anything about your carter mountain legend. I do know that when I drew moose 2 decades ago in WY, an outfitter I called (to fish for info) bragged of his silver bullet to fly and spot the bulls in November and could go for them the next day.

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