Wyoming Elk with my Old Man

Never got my Dad out to WY or any other out of state hunt for that matter. Maybe one regret I’ll carry forever. However, I did make a point of a full week camp/road hunt at home with him the last few years of his hunting career. 2 successful years on doe tags and another couple years of tag soup. Harvest wasn’t the measure of success. Actually never was growing up either. He always taught me it was all about the experience. Dad was a log truck driver with terrible back and knees and was bound to road hunting most his life, but was an incredible successful road hunter. I guess being on logging roads day in and day out is great scouting 🤣. Anyway, long story short, just enjoy it. You’ll both love the quality time and it’s experiences like that that you never can get back if missed. Best of luck on the hunt and soak it in.
Well as one of those old geezer dads at 72, I would suggest couple things. One trekking poles are a must and will help with his balance and confidence in walking. Keeping weight down in his pack. Food and water. Done. Us old guys think we still can carry kitchen sink. I know I can't and have slimmed down my pack big time. Rest up during middle of day will be huge. Preferably where you are hunting to minimize steps. Steps are accumulative drain on us old guys. I walk 7-9 miles prepping but it still drains us down. Sleep, good solid food at night is huge. My best hunts are with my son, hands down! Successful hunts are the memories of us hunting together. A kill only adds to the memories.

Take tons of pics, find memorable one that represents the hunt and frame for Christmas!

You are a good man thinking of how to make this hunt for your Dad. Enjoy every second, nobody knows what tomorrow brings for any of us.
65 he's still young. Don't underestimate what he might want to do.

In a couple weeks my dad who is 75 and I will be 6 miles deep in the WY backcountry for 2 weeks. I did get two llamas this year to help get him in and his elk out, but at 65 we were packing multiple mature bulls a year out of the backcountry on our backs. Just gauge where he is at and pick up the rest. In my experience it makes them feel accomplished to be pushed a little. Elk hunting is hard, but very rewarding.

Dad was 68 in this pic.

65 he's still young. Don't underestimate what he might want to do.

In a couple weeks my dad who is 75 and I will be 6 miles deep in the WY backcountry for 2 weeks. I did get two llamas this year to help get him in and his elk out, but at 65 we were packing multiple mature bulls a year out of the backcountry on our backs. Just gauge where he is at and pick up the rest. In my experience it makes them feel accomplished to be pushed a little. Elk hunting is hard, but very rewarding.

Dad was 68 in this pic.

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great effort and a great bull
Another day of prepping for the big hunt with my Dad. We have been hiking, practicing calling, and going over our packing lists. I can tell he's getting pretty excited based on all the elk hunting Youtube videos he is sending me.
Today was the first day I started feeling a bit nervous and doubtful. I so badly want to get him into elk and hear the sound of a bull bugle for the first time. I think I'm just putting unnecessary pressure on myself. I found myself looking up outfitters and considering a (another) last minute change of plans. A few outfitters had opening from cancellations, but goodness, not cheap. I have also been trying to find some packers that would be available to help pack out if I were to get lucky.
All in all, I am still really excited to spend 1-2 weeks with my Dad. I need to shake the constant desire for perfection, and redefine what a "successful" hunt will look like on this one. It's hard to do for someone like me, but I'm working on it.
More to follow...
Did a deer hunt with my dad who doesn't really hunt anymore a few years back in south central Wyoming. We rented a camper and picked it up in Cheyenne. That part helped a lot since he's not one for roughing it much. Looking forward to your guys' hunt.
I love those popup truck campers since they lower profile, provide easy camp, still add tent for whatever, can go pretty much wherever the 4x4 can go. I sold mine couple years ago for a pull trailer, regretted every freaking second! On mission to find another one. You can pull into anywhere and grab decent sleep while driving too.

Look forward to seeing what you to ended up with!
I used to take my father hunting with me in Colorado in the 90s. I had no idea how special those trips were. He had mobility issues then but he still crutched himself into position to take his first ever big game animal (a small mule deer) on one of those hunts. Enjoy it man! Every. Blessed. Minute!
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