Wyoming Elk Second Choice


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2015
SE Indiana
Can somebody explain how Wyoming allocates non-resident elk Type 4 or Type 6 tags as the second choice in units that have those tags? I have 3 points and am torn between hunting a General Unit or keep building for a Limited Unit. I would like to hunt cows in the targeted Limited Unit for a few years if I can.

I just can't seem to decipher the second choice allocation though. Thanks for the help.

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If you are applying for a bull, rifle tag it's going to either be a Type 1 or Type 2 tag. If you choose a Type 4 as a second choice it means that if you don't get drawn for your first choice you would like to have a Type 4 tag if there's any leftover after all the people that had that Type 4 tag as their first choice draw it. I'm also pretty sure that if you draw your second choice, you don't lose your preference points. I don't think you can apply for a Type 1 or 2 and choose a Type 6 as a second choice though because it's considered a reduced price cow/calf tag whereas the Types 1,2,4, and 5 are full price tags. No big deal though. You would just have to apply for the Type 6 separately I believe. I personally would buy a Type 6 tag before I would buy a Type 4 tag. The only difference is the price, and usually that the Type 6 tag is more of a late season hunt whereas the Type 4 is usually open when the bull tags are open which is generally in late September and October. Often the success rate for the Type 6 tag is even higher than for the Type 4 tag. Since last year it only took 2 points to draw the general tag, if you apply for the general tag this year, you may be "wasting" a point essentially. With that being said I'd just keep building points. With a couple more points you really start to open yourself up to some value units. If it's me, I would do exactly as you're thinking. Hunt cows in the targeted Limited Unit until you get the points needed for the bull tag. Keep in mind though that with more people and more people building points in Wyoming, a 4 point unit last year could be a 5 point unit this year and a 6 point unit next year potentially. This is called "point creep." This may not happen though. I'm just saying expect potential fluctuations in the number of preference points needed to draw the tag you want in the future. I hope this helps, and I hope I didn't give you any incorrect information. If I did I am sure someone will correct me.
Thoroughly research your Type 4 vs. Type 6 options though. Oftentimes Type 6 will have some restriction, such as private land only.
You would just have to apply for the Type 6 separately I believe. I personally would buy a Type 6 tag before I would buy a Type 4 tag.

You say I can't list a Type 6 as my 2nd Choice if I list a Type 1 as my 1st Choice. When, how, where do I apply for that Type 6 then?

If the unit I want to hunt has a Type 4, I will shoot for that one. But if it doesn't and it only has a Type 6, then when do I apply for it?
I am pretty sure a general tag will take 2.5 points if not 3 points.. This coming hunting season... Why not try to draw the type 4 tag.. On the second choice.. Hunt the same time U would hunt with the type 1 tag....
The type 6 tag is just a separate application from the full price tags (I'm pretty sure), and there are no preference points for the Type 6. It's strictly just a random draw. That's another thing. Not all units have a Type 4/Type 6 tag. As far as when to apply for it, the application period for all nonresident elk tags is January 2nd though midnight of January 31st. After that there's a leftover draw in June, and then eventually leftovers are just sold over the counter.
CiK, first let me thank you for your reply to my post. If you decide to hunt elk this year in the Medicine Bow Forest, I would be happy to let you stay in my cabin. It is in 11 and very close to 12. 11 has less pressure, harder to draw. 12 is more pressure, easier draw. Richard


  • IMG_0602.jpg
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It was my summer project this past summer. I did better job building than I did posting the pic. My first time posting a pic, will have to figure hat out.
11 is one of the units I was talking about earlier.. Type 6 is not valid on the NF or Wick-Beumee. If you want an antlerless tag for public you have to pay for the Type 4.
11 is one of the units I was talking about earlier.. Type 6 is not valid on the NF or Wick-Beumee. If you want an antlerless tag for public you have to pay for the Type 4.


Everybody's replies have helped me tremendously. I have some thinking to do. The wind is blowing from the north today and today I feel like a General Tag in a unit with 95-100% public land is the direction I want to head in. The Limited Units with checkerboard access, private land near public and wilderness limitations to non-residents just don't seem that attractive to me.
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CiK, first let me thank you for your reply to my post. If you decide to hunt elk this year in the Medicine Bow Forest, I would be happy to let you stay in my cabin. It is in 11 and very close to 12. 11 has less pressure, harder to draw. 12 is more pressure, easier draw. Richard

Richard, I really appreciate that offer. Very generous of you. If my search takes me towards the Medicine Bow, I will be in touch.
One question I still have. How are Type 4's as a 2nd choice allocated? If the unit has 10 of them, and 8 are still available after all 1st choices are looked at, how do they dole out those 8 to the 2nd choice candidates? Is it random, or by PP?
Ok. This clears things up. I found this information in another thread. I was pretty sure this was how it worked but not positive. "PPs are only used for your first choice in the draw. Second and third choices in the draw are random and everyone has the same chance at those tags whether they have 0 PPs or 12 max. People need to be aware though that if they don't get their first choice with the number of PPs they have they then go into the random drawing and if drawn there you lose your PPs. Only after you don't get your first choice tag in that drawing do you get entered for your second and third choices that are random drawings."
Ok. This clears things up. I found this information in another thread. I was pretty sure this was how it worked but not positive. "PPs are only used for your first choice in the draw. Second and third choices in the draw are random and everyone has the same chance at those tags whether they have 0 PPs or 12 max. People need to be aware though that if they don't get their first choice with the number of PPs they have they then go into the random drawing and if drawn there you lose your PPs. Only after you don't get your first choice tag in that drawing do you get entered for your second and third choices that are random drawings."

This is correct for the full price drawing (types 1, 2, 4, 5, GEN). The reduced price drawing (types 6, 7) are random draw for all choices.
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