Wyoming Elk area 39-1


Aug 28, 2012
Billings, MT
I just got lucky in the draw with a 39-1 tag. First time applying in Wyo., random draw. Not sure how I beat those odds...
I am wondering if anyone has hunted in the area and might want to share some information. Thank you for your time.
Never hunted that area but if it snows very much you better get out of there. That area seems to get a lot of deep snow.This past season had a lot of snow early on . I was hunting in area 38 and there were very areas you couldn't get to because of the snow. John
Never hunted that area but if it snows very much you better get out of there. That area seems to get a lot of deep snow.This past season had a lot of snow early on . I was hunting in area 38 and there were very areas you couldn't get to because of the snow. John

Was that in the archery season or in rifle? How'd your hunt go?
OK, thanks John. I have been hearing about the possible snow issue today. But a guy can use a snowmobile if needed, right? .300 short mag is my favorite cal. by the way. Love it....Thank again.
Also, if you don't mind me asking how was 38?
You can get there by snowmobile running north on the Sheep Mountain Road. There are quite a few elk up there. Try and get a region R muley tag if you can, I have seen a couple 170-180 bucks come out of there. I shot my biggest muley just east of there in Elk area 38.
minnesotahunter- thanks for the reply. I was thinking about putting in for the deer draw but have not heard much about what kind of mulies are up there. Sounds like there is some nice bucks in there and I should think a little harder about the deer also. Did you hunt elk in 39? Looking at the area around cookstove basin, the end of sheep mtn. road, before the MT border.
Hunted area 38 rifle on opening so much snow game warden closed road going up into the mountains we saw a lot of elk but couldn't get to them. I have been to cook stove basin several times by atv it is a long way in looks good for elk but road can be very bad most years it snows deep there John
I think you should have some luck up near Cookstove. I would try and find out the access situation for the BLM land below the NF in case you want to try and get at it from below if the weather goes bad on you. I have not personnaly hunted in 39, but I know an old guide you used to work up there, and I have seen alot of elk in that area.
Just remember you can't drive any vehicle of the roads or trails. That includes atv and snowmobile no cross country at that time of year. They can and will ticket you even if you can't tell where the roads and trails are. You better be on them. John
I was in 38 last year also during Archery season. Weather was crazy and the area got hit with snow real hard at the end of season. Lots of guys chained up and still could not get around.

Amazing country, just be ready for the weather.
No, Eastmans had nothing to do with picking 39, in fact I believe they had 39 in yellow marginal area there lowest rating. The area is close to me allowing me to spend some time scouting and hopefully finding a decent bull. Do you know much about 39?
No, Eastmans had nothing to do with picking 39, in fact I believe they had 39 in yellow marginal area there lowest rating. The area is close to me allowing me to spend some time scouting and hopefully finding a decent bull. Do you know much about 39?

I don't have much first hand experience, but I will tell you that I did hours of research, that led me to the decision that if and when I finally head to WY for elk unit 39 would have been my first choice. You said that you drew the first year putting in so I was just curious what drew you to 39, that's all. I live in CO now so I don't know if i'll be going to WY for elk in the next few years. Please let me know how your hunt goes though.
Sounds like you had some good news on your research..Yea, still can't believe I got one of the two tags in the random draw, less than 5%. Hopefully MT and ID will be nice also. Was your research that you did for archery or rifle?
I had a buddy in area 110 get a very thorough butt chewing last fall when he was reported for using a snow machine on a snowed in road in national forest by a Forest Ranger. Now with the B.S. going on in Washington they closed all the campgrounds but did manage to get the Rangers out to keep people out of them and enforce other laws. I didn't know we couldn't use the roads like that but he said the guy threatened to write a ticket and said they could fine and impound his sled.... So check it out, I don't own one and haven't got a a straight answer from anyone over it, even calling the forest service offices.
But I know they are closing roads right and left in the state that have been used for years by us and don't have to have a reason. People are getting real tired of this out here.