
Wyoming bison hunt

I know we started a thread last summer about "How old is too old." Not sure I know that answer, as we all have different conditions imposing their will against us. Having just turned 51, I do wonder how many more 100-day seasons my mind and body are willing to handle. But, if it is like all other seasons, after a few weeks rest, I will again be grinding at the bit to apply for tags and start planning another year of telling the public land hunting story. ;)
Wish I had a bison to show you, but I don't. Thanks for following along.
Firstly Randy, it's as other have said, you hunt in reality, nothing staged, hard core hunting that many people can't do, especially when you are, how shall i say, 'maturing' in years.
No matter nothing killed, it's the journey, i bet given a couple weeks rest you will be itching to go.

And i liked your comment 'we' started a thread ''how old is too old'', it was my thread, i finally feel accepted as part of the hunt talk family:D


I was able to harvest a mature cow on 1/6. Wish I ran across you Randy, It was my fourth trip to Jackson and was ready to give up. Glad I stuck with it, All my other trips help me out. The hunt was not what i expected when I drew it but a great experience overall, Would do it again any time. Was able to quater and retrive with help of a friend.
You definitely run a marathon of hunting each year (we only wish we could be in your shoes). Yeah, it sucks that it doesn't get any easier physically as the years go by ;). So, it's get your knee in shape and start the application process for next year (we're all looking forward to many more seasons of Big Fin adventures!). The tough hunts this year will just make next year's all the sweeter ...
Rest up and reevaluate. I promise you that nearly everyone who discussed their longevity in the how old is too old thread only hunts 20-30 days a season. That pales in comparison to your 100 days. You're an iron man in a room full of sprinters.

I personally needed two weeks to rehab my knee back to a usable state after my late season cow elk hunt. I literally finished the pack out on my hands and knees. A half miles worth, but I finished.

You've got quite the opportunity with that Bison tag. If you can handle it again in a couple weeks, go for it. If not, we all know there is no shame in that. You hunt like all of us wish we could. Good on ya!
It was fun to follow along and be part of the "rooting for ya crowd".

Sorry you didn't get your critter but happy for you that you got to experience the hunt.

Thanks for sharing.
Congrats on the choices you've made to be able to spend 100 days/year afield. That's a decade or more for me at this point in my life...
Bison Hunt

Just caught up with a buddy of mine who just had the tag and he said it was definitely not what he expected, he was able to connect with a good mature cow but he said it was all by luck. The stars pretty much lined up for him on the deal. He said he had a blast and it was a great way to bring in the new year. Got me scratching my head for a possible hunt next year.
Sounds like from what he said, you definitely have been giving it your all Randy and that he hopes you connect. It also sounded like without a little input from you he might not have connected. Congrats on a great season again bison or not, when I am 51 I hope will be able to keep climbing mountains and chasin critters the way you do.
I couldn't let season pass without one more last ditch effort. Left Bozeman this morning, got here after lunch, renewed my pass and headed out. Hiked until dark and could not locate any stragglers from the herd out of which many were shot yesterday.

Tomorrow is the last day of season. Nobody at the trailheads this afternoon. Maybe they are smarter than me and know when to fold the tent.

Here's a toast that tomorrow, my 8th day down here, some cow bison come to the areas I can legally shoot one. Full report when I get home tomorrow night.
Well, looks like restoring the data base cost me the final day account of this hunt. Sorry about that. Some were wanting to see images of the hunt taken by Steve Drake, so I will add a few of those here. They have been resized to fit the file size limits here, so they lose a lot of the quality in doing so.

A silent time asking the creator that when I go, I go like this bull did; and that when I live, I get to live like this bull did. Dying is one of life's most intimate events. I hope for me it happens in some wild place where the magpies and ravens can return me to the dirt.

Coyotes can be thankful they are off limits on these ground. This big silver, along with a few others, would have made for good hunting and good fur.

As sun fades and the storm inherits the landscape, lonely lands provide the hunter, the lover of wild things, a sense of beauty and comfort that, as Theodore Roosevelt would say, "Only he who has partaken thereof can understand the keen delight ....."

Chasing, literally and figuratively, bison to the river crossing, only to watch them reach the safety of Grand Teton NP leaves one without a lot of words for comfort.

Age makes the body more attune to parts in need of attention. A knee can speak loudly when not treated well.

Snow on the ground and clouds on the deck make for long days looking for big shaggy black objects in the whiteness.

Been shooting these Accubonds, Partitions, and E-Tips for the last two years. Look for more of that in the coming years.

When the weather, snow, and darkness bring a hunt to a close, all you can do is make the lonely walk to the truck and take solace in knowing you gave it your best.
A few more.

Hunt Talk is not to be deterred by a little ice.

Two cameras; check. Two tripods; check. Extra batteries and cards; check. Rifle ......

If you're gonna hunt all day, you better start early.

Gaiters - winter hunting necessity.

Almost to my glassing spot and none too early,

Set up and hoping a straggling bison follows her mates to the river crossing. Nope.

Headlamps and predawn shadows with a crazy slow exposure.

What looks like a short cut is not a time saver in 20" of powder soft snow.

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