Yeti GOBOX Collection

Wyoming Antelope with 11 preference points.

I have been banking points while waiting for retirement. That time is near and I would like to hunt the 2021 season. I stay in decent shape and can get out and walk. Any suggestions on a unit worth burning my points on? I hunted 90-1 the last time around. It was a fun hunt in a nice area. If I could combine the trip with some quality fly fishing near by that would be icing on the cake!
Well its been a long time since I posted this question. I thought I would give an update.
I drew a unit 67 type one tag for 2021. I waited until after opening weekend to hunt and traveled up the Monday after and started hunting on Tuesday. This was my second Wyoming antelope tag with the 1st one coming in 2010 (I think).
We set up the travel trailer out in the flats a few miles into the unit along road 136 that bisected the unit. During the time I spent hunting I never saw another hunter or camp so that was a nice surprise.
Iooked over a lot of bucks during my hunt >50 and took the best one I could find. I am pretty happy with him. He ended up a little over 15 inches and is heavy and has a nice look to him. Oh and I did end up getting some fly fishing in as well. For those of you who gave advice, thank you. Wyoming is an awesome place to hunt and to visit. I love that sagebrush country and to me it has a unique beauty. Best wishes all.
Well its been a long time since I posted this question. I thought I would give an update.
I drew a unit 67 type one tag for 2021. I waited until after opening weekend to hunt and traveled up the Monday after and started hunting on Tuesday. This was my second Wyoming antelope tag with the 1st one coming in 2010 (I think).
We set up the travel trailer out in the flats a few miles into the unit along road 136 that bisected the unit. During the time I spent hunting I never saw another hunter or camp so that was a nice surprise.
Iooked over a lot of bucks during my hunt >50 and took the best one I could find. I am pretty happy with him. He ended up a little over 15 inches and is heavy and has a nice look to him. Oh and I did end up getting some fly fishing in as well. For those of you who gave advice, thank you. Wyoming is an awesome place to hunt and to visit. I love that sagebrush country and to me it has a unique beauty. Best wishes all.
I'd love to see pics of your antelope or fish if you want to share them. Congratulations!
Very nice. Was it worth 11 year wait?
Probably not worth 11 years but then again it was a blast and seemed like a private hunt truth be told. The fish and game told me the numbers and quality were down a bit so I happy with my buck.
Nicely done. I hunted 68 a few years ago and that unit was also similar to a private hunt where not bumping into other pronghorn hunters on the roads or when got out and hiked over hills to glass. I also have a similar picture as you took! Congrats on a successful hunt and fishing adventure. Any tags left to fill this year?
Nicely done. I hunted 68 a few years ago and that unit was also similar to a private hunt where not bumping into other pronghorn hunters on the roads or when got out and hiked over hills to glass. I also have a similar picture as you took! Congrats on a successful hunt and fishing adventure. Any tags left to fill this year?
I have a Utah general unit deer tag. Crossing my fingers.
Woooowww. What direction from unit 67 did you go for that trout?????🔥🔥🔥

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