PEAX Equipment

Wyoming Antelope Unit 43


New member
Aug 19, 2011
I'm looking for information about unit 43 for antelope in Wyoming. Specifically, does anyone know anything about the two hunter management areas in this area, Diamond Lake and Laramie River HMA. Is one area better than the other, how is the hunting pressure, success, etc. Any help would be appreciated. Four of us put this as our first choice based on advice from the biologist but I would like to get some opinions from other hunters about the area. Also, we would consider paying a reasonable trespass fee if anyone knows of any landowners/ranchers to contact.
I don't know anything about 43, but I will say that most everyone will probably agree that the Wyoming biologists will give you pretty good information, regardless of whether it's positive or negative, most of the time. Good luck in the draw and on the hunt if you get the tags!
Give the Laramie or Cheyenne Fish and Game office a call and ask for an antelope/deer landowner contact list for the area in question. The list will contain contact information for all the area landowners who allowed hunting on their property the previous year. It is then your responsibility to contact landowners in your hunt area (antelope 43) and discuss accessibility, timing, cost, etc. Remember, it is calving season at the moment, so some of these ranchers may be hard to contact at the moment. Good luck and hopefully the tag gods will shine on you and your friends.
Year old info...

Yes it is but it will affect the population for 2-5 years to recover, winter kill takes out the young and older deer, I saw alot of 6-8 inch horns in area 7 last year, very very few 10+ inch horns to be seen.
I don't know how accurate that is, I talked to the biologist in Casper a couple weeks ago and he said that 72 had a big winter kill in 2010 and tag quotas were going to go down.

the eastman map migh not be all inclusive of the worste areas, I think they just tracked the highest snow fall totals,,,,,, I would go with what the local biologist tells ya,,,,, I do :) the Bio in newcasle put me into two areas with alot of goats in week two, just no decent horns to be seen.
I am thinking of using my one point on Wyoming unit 43 antelope tag and was wondering if anyone has been there and can give me some info on the area and what to expect?
I've had more than my share of good times chasing pronghorn in 43! They are lots of them there and the odds are in your favor of filling all your tags. After the first couple of days, they start getting very wary of any vehicles, but they can be had if you walk. IME, they like to find little folds that hide them from the roads or B I G flats where they can see anything and everything. Though far from big, here's my last buck from 43:
Tags numbers are up, Diamond Lake HMA is the better one I believe. Season is extended so I would hunt them later when they start getting into wintering groups.
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