Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

WYO unit 45 X-Bar Ranch

I forgot Buzz was talking about doe tags...

What about for the buck tags; they run the NR special tags drawing first and then the regular, correct?

Correct! For buck tags any that are left from the resident draw that goes first carry over to the NR Draw. The NR Special Draws and PP draws are held first. 60%of the tags for each unit go in the Regular Draw and 40% in the Special. Then the tags are broken down again such that 75% go to those with the most PPs and 25% of the tags go in the Random Draw. Everyone is in the initial PP Draw for their first choice depending on how much money they coughed up. Then everyone that doesn't draw there goes into the Random Draw for a second choice at that tag with no PPs used. If there are still tags left in a unit, they then go to your second and third choices until those are filled and if there are still tags left after that they then go to the leftover list on a first come first served basis in July, regardless of resident or NR status.
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First off the X bar is a state owned ranch and enrolled in the HMA program. Area 45 is mostly private but can be hunted on the few state and BLM parcels. Area 38 has some BLM and state and a couple of HMA's.Last year there were left over doe tags but they go fast . As far as tags not issued to residents in the initial draw I do not believe they go into the NR draw. A quota is set each year for residents and NR and any tags not issued in each respective draw go into the leftover pool. Those go on sale OTC in July. The NR quota does not increase with leftover resident tags. Unit 38 is a wintering area and the season goes quite long for doe. It is a October season for bucks. If there is a good snow and cold weather in 38 the antelope pile in and on the state sections that are accessible. You can stay in town and be hunting in 20 minutes. Lots of pressure opening week and you need a HMA permit if possible, Morton Pass HMA for the best hunting. It can be challenging but this is the unit I hope to draw as a resident.
First off the X bar is a state owned ranch and enrolled in the HMA program. Area 45 is mostly private but can be hunted on the few state and BLM parcels. Area 38 has some BLM and state and a couple of HMA's.Last year there were left over doe tags but they go fast . As far as tags not issued to residents in the initial draw I do not believe they go into the NR draw. A quota is set each year for residents and NR and any tags not issued in each respective draw go into the leftover pool.

Nope, you are 100% wrong.

Any resident tags not drawn in the random draw go to the NR draw. Check the draw odds for confirmation.
Nope you are wrong. Any leftovers go into the left over sale in July. I just called and had it clarified. NR do not get any left over resident tags from the draw. The quota set is the quota set unless a group pushes it over the set number of tags.
Not true...and here is just one example of why you need to get your facts straight.

Unit 43 antelope had 316 tags available to Residents...all choices combined was 241 tags. That means that even if every NR choice was filled from 1st through 3rd choice there would have been 75 buck tags on the leftover list.

Care to guess how many buck tags were on the leftover list for unit 43 last year?

That's right, ZERO.

Where did those tags go?

They went to the NR draw, FACT.

Again, its easy to confirm that by looking at the initial quota split and how many tags NR's actually drew.

There were 263 total NR tags issued in that unit in the initial draw. What percentage does that work out to? Wayy more than the initial quota split.

Knowing that there were no tags available on the leftover list combined with the actual draw results, it doesn't take a math major to understand that the resident tags not issued (Residents are drawn first), go to the NR initial draw pool.

Also, since I have listened to public testimony by Jean Cole in the House and Senate TRW committee hearings, where she not only explained the draw, but also provided a hard copy of it, I think you need to quit spreading bad information.

BTW, whoever you supposedly called, knows nothing about the WY draw or how it works.
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wytex, I am in receipt of the final quota splits and tag distribution files.

Feel free to argue all you want, but here is what you need to know from the PDF's.

unit 43 type 1

Total quota: 400

Resident split 320

NR split 80

Resident license issued: 118

Resident quota remain: 202

NR quota 20% + Resident roll: 282

Its exactly like I said, any remaining resident quota is rolled into the NR draw...NOT to a leftover list. The leftover list is comprised of ANY remaining tags after the NR draw has taken place for all choices.

I have all the deer, elk, and pronghorn lists for 2013-2015 with the initial tags splits, landowner tags, resident tags issued, number of resident tags rolled to NR draw, as well as the rolls for special to random as well as regular and special fees.

End of're mistaken, admit it, and move on.
Sorry my last post didn't make it. The quotas are set just for the initial drawing. You are right they move under subscribed units over to the NR draw and vice versa. If any NR units go under subscribed they move those tags back to another resident draw. The local office will be getting a call from Cheyenne to make sure they are giving out correct info. Not arguing your facts just getting mine straight. So looking at the resident drawing odds will also help the NR.
That is correct, but its very rare for NR tags to be moved back to another resident draw where there is over subscribed resident demand and under subscribed NR demand.

I don't recall ever seeing that happen.
Anyone ever hunt the WIA in 45? I drew a 45 buck tag and we have hunted Strouss Hill HMA in the past with success but didn't draw the early access this year (weird as we always have before). Because of schedules we are looking to get this hunt over before the unlimited access to Strouss Hill and I found the WIA. This map looks like it is all state land and more than the 640 acres it says. Am I missing something? Anyone hunt that before? My father and I are mostly meat hunters but look for a decent buck first with antelope. Thanks for any help!
Hunted that section many times. It gets hit hard and is pretty flat. There are some other state lands in 45 that are accessible. The Radio Tower section off of Highway 130 is good also and some lands along Highway 11 near Sheep Mountain. Also a state section along Highway 230. Get a gps chip for Wyoming. Also some BLM land out towards that WIA at Lake Hattie.
Thank you. I have the chip. We live in Rawlins so just trying to figure out if it is worth driving all the way out there for Antelope with spotty public lands. On the HMA, we know where the antelope are and they are pretty thick on it. I just want to get it tags punched as quickly as possible. Not sure about these other spots. Also, is all that state land there part of the WIA? What is the radio tower section? Pm if you would like. Thank you again!