Topgun 30-06
Active member
I forgot Buzz was talking about doe tags...
What about for the buck tags; they run the NR special tags drawing first and then the regular, correct?
Correct! For buck tags any that are left from the resident draw that goes first carry over to the NR Draw. The NR Special Draws and PP draws are held first. 60%of the tags for each unit go in the Regular Draw and 40% in the Special. Then the tags are broken down again such that 75% go to those with the most PPs and 25% of the tags go in the Random Draw. Everyone is in the initial PP Draw for their first choice depending on how much money they coughed up. Then everyone that doesn't draw there goes into the Random Draw for a second choice at that tag with no PPs used. If there are still tags left in a unit, they then go to your second and third choices until those are filled and if there are still tags left after that they then go to the leftover list on a first come first served basis in July, regardless of resident or NR status.
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