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Wyo Gov. Candidate and the Public Trust


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Bozeman, MT
This WY candidate is pushing federal public lands transfer, even planning on serving the Fed with a notice of eviction once elected and arresting any fed agents that dont leave their jobs of work for the state. Same threats to the mining companies - pay the state or we shut you down.

There is a book quoted in the article by Phil Roberts that looks interesting. It documents a national monuments that was turned back over to the state of WY and what a disaster that was. I ordered it to check it out. Could have some good information to help fight back on this fed land grab issue.

If elected, Haynes would open entire state to drilling -- including Yellowstone, transfer Fed. Public lands to the state. "If elected, Haynes would send federal government agencies a certified letter and invite them to attend a meeting in which he will explain his plan. He said they must be gone by January 2015, when he would takes office.

“Then in whichever county they attempt to have any official activity, they will be arrested for impersonating a law enforcement officer in Wyoming,” he said."

Phil Roberts, a history professor at the University of Wyoming and author of Cody’s Cave: National Monuments and Public Lands in the 20th Century West,” said Haynes’ plans could be unsuccessful.

Roberts’ book describes a 210-acre national monument turned over to the state government.

“The results were disastrous,” he said in an email. “To make a long story short, who has ever heard of Shoshone Cavern National Monument? Anyone advocating that federal land be ‘returned’ to the state wants to ignore (or make us forget) the case and make believe that such a failure never happened.
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