Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

WY Unit 22 Access


New member
Jun 21, 2017
Fairfield, Iowa

I'm planning on going on my first antelope hunt this year in unit 22. I'm going to shoot for the stars on my first choice, and use unit 22 as a second choice. (I get a point and I get a tag.) I've read that there are signs at some places on BLM and State land that says something like "not for public use. keep out." I've also read that oil/gas companies put these up, but that any road that is on public land is open, regardless of signs or gates. I'm wanting to be 100% certain before I go out there, what land I'm able to have access to.

If a road cuts through private land that has a gate but that road leads to BLM; can I get through that gate and onto the public land? I've been marking every patch of land that I have access to on my onXmaps. I want to be 100% confident that I'm not going to be trespassing. Any other tips/advice is welcome, thank you in advance.

The BLM road needs a public easement thru the private. There can be tracts where the BLM has access but the public does not.

Use the site search function, Antelope areas 22 and 16 have been discussed more than any other areas.
Check with the closest BLM office or the game warden for the area or the county sheriff. Also some private land owners post public land as if it was theirs so you might want to carry a bolt cutter just in case, but make sure that you are correct before you use it.
Also things can change between now and when the season opens so check again before you head out in October.
The BLM office in Buffalo has a set of BLM maps that have the roads that can be used by the public marked on those maps. This is the best way to know what roads can be used for hunting to access parcels of public land (BLM and state lands). There have been times when the OnX maps have been wrong, maybe not necessarily in Antelope Hunt Area 22, but there have been errors.

You will most likely get advice to go to the Johnson County website to look at what county roads are public and while that can be good advice, there can be errors there as well. A couple years ago there was a road that showed on the county road map as public, however during an audit of the county road system it was discovered that the last two miles of the road had been abandoned several years prior, but the county road and bridge department still showed that two mile segment as a public road.

Good luck.

My dad and I did an Antelope hunt in 20 for doe and 21 for bucks last fall. Onx maps were key!! we are from Western NY and tagged out on our own first time ever being there. Read some of the posts here and don't be over whelmed. We stayed in Buffalo almost every night rather than camping which we had planned on doing. Was just easier for us. We each filled both of our tags and had fun seeing the area. If there are any questions I can help with PM me
You’re right to do your research now. I was there taking my brother on a hunt a couple years ago and there were people posted up at those signs and roads blocking entry and trying to intimidate people from going on them. I wish I knew for certain before hand if they were in the right or wrong bc it really limited the already limited spaces we could hunt. Reach out to the warden and county
wow, hopefully they weren't threatening physical harm over legal public access? thank you for the heads up, ill be sure to have the warden and BLM office numbers in my contacts.
My dad and I did an Antelope hunt in 20 for doe and 21 for bucks last fall. Onx maps were key!! we are from Western NY and tagged out on our own first time ever being there. Read some of the posts here and don't be over whelmed. We stayed in Buffalo almost every night rather than camping which we had planned on doing. Was just easier for us. We each filled both of our tags and had fun seeing the area. If there are any questions I can help with PM me
Hey easternhunter1 I’m from upstate ny as well. Oneonta area looking to go out to Wyoming next year. Would definitely like to talk if your available!

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